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I highly doubt that PS3 will even come close to outselling the Xbox 360 so much in around a year to make up the 6mil+ difference in systems sold to date. A price cut will play a major role in this, but even with a price cut I doubt it will overtake the Xbox 360 in a year even two.

The God of War series sold well, however it did 2-3mil based on the huge user base of the PS2; II sold less than I as well. It will probably sell some consoles, but it is not going to be the game that pushes the PS3 over the Xbox 360. Neither will Killzone 2 or Gran Turismo 5. Many were saying how much Resistance 2 and LBP would do for the PS3 and look what has happened so far. It will take a combination of things for the PS3 to overtake the 360, and it is possible for it to do this; however it is also possible for the 360 to beat it this generation.