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Forums - Sony Discussion - New Team ICO game to feature physical connection.

soccerdrew17 said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
wfz said:
This team is basically the biggest reason I really want a PS3. If this game turns out to be amazing like the previous two, I'm going to start having convulsions every time I think about a PS3 until I buy one. :P the hell? are there games that good? wtf is goin on... >_>

i only played sotc.  i beat it in like 4 days or so, which i would recommend doing since the whole game just draws u in.


*I want to preface this by saying the end result is fantastic*  There is very little to do, very little to see.  U can shoot lizards, find apples (?), or fight the colossi.  the first two are not exciting, but they aid u in fighting the collossi which makes them worthwhile.  There are 16 collossi and your job is to travel across the land (its a large place and all you do is ride on your horse to get to them), find the collossi, learn how to take them down, take them down without dying, and then rinse and repeat sixteen times.


By taking this minimalistic approach everything is enhanced.  The story is almost non existant, but what is there gives you a strong purpose.  Riding across the land puts you in a fantastic atmosphere where it's just u and ur horse.  Each collossi is unique and they become more and more difficult.  i actually replayed one of them like 5 times because i loved it so much. Oh and the graphics set a near perfect mood.


The parts of the game would end up being less than worthwhile, but the sum is fantastic.



So basicly, its epic because the fact the very "Vibe" is epic? uhg..... i dont get it.... >_>

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Grr, I want their new game as soon as possible but I know that true genius cant be rushed. I will give anything to play through an experience like SOTC, they managed to create a masterpiece with PS2's hardware, I wonder what they can do with PS3. Sometimes I wish they would develop for the PC because then they would not be constricted by foolish hardware. Who cares that I would have massive drops in framerate, it would be AWESOME>

Proud owner of the following gaming devices:

PC, XBox 360, Wii, PS2, DS, PS3


Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
What was so epic about SotC anyway?

I heard it was epic but never got a chance to buy/play it.

So i can only assume Team ICO is a great gaming Dev team? even though they've only made 2 games?

Well since sony owns them they should be solid at any rate.

Team ICO is the best team Sony has in my opinion, and by miles and miles. Their games are absolutely spellbinding and run through so many themes and emotions underneath the surface of the game without it smacking you in the face. No matter when I get a PS3 and what I play on it, I'm merely holding out until Team ICO releases something. They're THAT good.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Onyxmeth said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
What was so epic about SotC anyway?

I heard it was epic but never got a chance to buy/play it.

So i can only assume Team ICO is a great gaming Dev team? even though they've only made 2 games?

Well since sony owns them they should be solid at any rate.

Team ICO is the best team Sony has in my opinion, and by miles and miles. Their games are absolutely spellbinding and run through so many themes and emotions underneath the surface of the game without it smacking you in the face. No matter when I get a PS3 and what I play on it, I'm merely holding out until Team ICO releases something. They're THAT good.



WTH!? you to Onyx?

Surely there games cant surpass that of the God of War games?


The God of War games do not compare to the Team ICO games. No question.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

Around the Network

Team ICO is easily Sony's best dev team. Just play their games, Seraphic. You'll understand. :)

I played and beat shadow 5 or 6 times, it's a masterpiece!!!


Why is SkyNet wearing a PS3 Logo???


Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
soccerdrew17 said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
wfz said:
This team is basically the biggest reason I really want a PS3. If this game turns out to be amazing like the previous two, I'm going to start having convulsions every time I think about a PS3 until I buy one. :P the hell? are there games that good? wtf is goin on... >_>

i only played sotc.  i beat it in like 4 days or so, which i would recommend doing since the whole game just draws u in.


*I want to preface this by saying the end result is fantastic*  There is very little to do, very little to see.  U can shoot lizards, find apples (?), or fight the colossi.  the first two are not exciting, but they aid u in fighting the collossi which makes them worthwhile.  There are 16 collossi and your job is to travel across the land (its a large place and all you do is ride on your horse to get to them), find the collossi, learn how to take them down, take them down without dying, and then rinse and repeat sixteen times.


By taking this minimalistic approach everything is enhanced.  The story is almost non existant, but what is there gives you a strong purpose.  Riding across the land puts you in a fantastic atmosphere where it's just u and ur horse.  Each collossi is unique and they become more and more difficult.  i actually replayed one of them like 5 times because i loved it so much. Oh and the graphics set a near perfect mood.


The parts of the game would end up being less than worthwhile, but the sum is fantastic.



So basicly, its epic because the fact the very "Vibe" is epic? uhg..... i dont get it.... >_>

yes, but the vibe is so epic in a subtle way


my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.

Sony should add those Team ICO games on PSN

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Onyxmeth said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
What was so epic about SotC anyway?

I heard it was epic but never got a chance to buy/play it.

So i can only assume Team ICO is a great gaming Dev team? even though they've only made 2 games?

Well since sony owns them they should be solid at any rate.

Team ICO is the best team Sony has in my opinion, and by miles and miles. Their games are absolutely spellbinding and run through so many themes and emotions underneath the surface of the game without it smacking you in the face. No matter when I get a PS3 and what I play on it, I'm merely holding out until Team ICO releases something. They're THAT good.



WTH!? you to Onyx?

Surely there games cant surpass that of the God of War games?


Shadow of the Colossus surpassed God of War II.

As for the original God of War, it was damned close.

I really want to go back and play SoTC again. But just the thought of playing PS2 again... it puts me off.



(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective