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Forums - Website Topics - I have a request that would be helpful for everyone! Please look at it!

No, most Youtube comments are oneliners (bad ones at that), but I'd hate to have my 1000 word post on Vcghartz spoken to me, I'd go frickin mad and throw my PC out the window. If it was mandatory, all long posts would be gone and we would be left with people who either;

A: Didn't speak their mind

B: Did so in small, stupid sentences, effectively exaggerating the very thing you loathe (lol etc)

C: Left the site in frustration (I think I would if someone forced this upon me tbh).

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Mummelmann said:
No, most Youtube comments are oneliners (bad ones at that), but I'd hate to have my 1000 word post on Vcghartz spoken to me, I'd go frickin mad and throw my PC out the window. If it was mandatory, all long posts would be gone and we would be left with people who either;

A: Didn't speak their mind

B: Did so in small, stupid sentences, effectively exaggerating the very thing you loathe (lol etc)

C: Left the site in frustration (I think I would if someone forced this upon me tbh).

So optional then.

I think the TC's name applies pretty well to this thread. Seriously, the last thing I want is a robot saying what I've just posted. And if it's optional, then absolutely no one will use it, so it's the same