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Forums - Sony Discussion - adjustment sales on " others " : Sony's dead !

I am a big PS3 fan who has consistently defended the console but I have to say this: The numbers look terrible and a price cut is BADLY needed.
I know that some of the arguments being thrown about of PS3 not getting some 3rd party games anymore etc are crap but still, Sony can't afford for the gap to be getting bigger and bigger. And also if you think about it, a $400 console is still really expensive. I worry about how they are going to do it though, coz maybe they don't have the money for the price cut :-/


It is better to die on one's feet

then live on one's knees

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Party Monster said:
Oh no Xbox 360 is Xbox and PS3 is Gamecube with a blurayplayer in it boo lol hoo.


yes it is almost same similarities, between ps3 and gamecube


on hardware levels:

1st, gamecube is using different media = PS3 using different media

2nd, gamecube is difficult to pirate because of its media  = PS3 bluray is the main obstacle, the media itself



Regardless of the ps3 been more expensive theres no denying that the ps3 is getting its ass handed to it by the almighty 360 right now.

Keep up the good avenging Sega work microsoft

Dead? Just because it's selling not-too-well right now? Isn't the 360 dead as well? Surely it sold a lot less than the PS3 for the first half of the year so it should be dead by now and the dead can't be revived.

The price of the PS3 is sure to drop next year. That of the 360 isn't, however, as they just recently dropped it a lot. Besides, it'll soon be at the price of the PS2 if they do and I doubt that's a good thing as a long-term move. Anyway, $50/€50 off the price of the PS3 and it will get a decent boost; $100/€100 off and it's going to take a lot to stop it. I doubt a $100/€100 cut is coming any time soon, though. Sony has some big system-sellers coming as well so there's definitely room for growth.

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Can't these type of threads be banned for once? It only brings up stupid trolling.

PS3 is dead when no one will buy the console anymore. Since it still sells about 200.000 a week it ain't dead! I agree, PS3 desperatly needs a price cut. The games aren't the the issue of the bad sales as there are plenty of them available right now. Though financial its impossible for Sony right now to drop the price. Lets say... the whole financial crisis came on a very bad moment for Sony. And for once, stop making Sony look like a laughing stock! I can't find any good post towards Sony on this site, no wonder why it makes several Sony fans so depressed being around here.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

Sony sells decently if they only looked at their own numbers.

They must be in pain to see such a difference with the other consoles (no matter how you twist or turn it, this hurts undoubtedly). The price cut may help, but seeing as they denied a price cut until at least March, they're going to have to ride out this wave of blows.

They will need to settle for a large loss in US, with playing catch up again in Others if they don't watch out. Japan is secure, but they will want to keep the gap there as big as possible.

The economic crisis will be sticking in their ribs too.

dejelek said:


yes it is almost same similarities, between ps3 and gamecube


on hardware levels:

1st, gamecube is using different media = PS3 using different media

2nd, gamecube is difficult to pirate because of its media = PS3 bluray is the main obstacle, the media itself




What a piece of crap. GC... Shit...

I don't think the PS3 is dead but it is on life support. MS have really got there plan right this time. Yes a price cut would be good but I don't think they could cut it enough, because people will look at the games and see the 360 is always the cheapest and all the games are on both consoles, so why pay extra for nothing...


PS3 ONLY SOLD 200 WW AND 100 OTHe..... wait! wha.. XD