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Dead? Just because it's selling not-too-well right now? Isn't the 360 dead as well? Surely it sold a lot less than the PS3 for the first half of the year so it should be dead by now and the dead can't be revived.

The price of the PS3 is sure to drop next year. That of the 360 isn't, however, as they just recently dropped it a lot. Besides, it'll soon be at the price of the PS2 if they do and I doubt that's a good thing as a long-term move. Anyway, $50/€50 off the price of the PS3 and it will get a decent boost; $100/€100 off and it's going to take a lot to stop it. I doubt a $100/€100 cut is coming any time soon, though. Sony has some big system-sellers coming as well so there's definitely room for growth.