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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii Don't want to play

So as the title says. Who's Never going to buy a Wii? Well Intentions anyway.

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nope...i mean, the system cost $200 to make at launch...imagine what it is worth as of now.....
nintendo making $50+ off of me ? no way !

I have a Wii but there's nothing that attracts me to the system a.t.m! Everything good I've already played to death and everything coming just can't get me interested! Maybe MadWorld and No More Heroes 2!... We'll see! But for now! My Wii is plugged of the net!


Most likely me.... Nintendo hasn't been impressing me lately.

4 ≈ One

I will never ever play with a wii because those things are really annoying and dont even have real games.

So definitely with you on this one.

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I won't be buying a wii. It offers nothing for me.

I Won't buy a Wii personally, but maybe if my sister buys one I can try a few games out.

Shouldn't this have been in the gaming forum rather than the Nintendo forum? I mean, most regular people on the Nintendo forum would own a Wii, whereas a small minority would on the Gaming forums.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

im not gona buy a wii. they're only for casuals. i need to kill aliens and zombies so people think on mature on my xbox360

I'm never going to buy a wii from this day forward