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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 Trophies to be mandatory from January 2009

PS3 Trophies to be mandatory from January 2009

Gamers won't have to put up with titles released without Trophies. can exclusively reveal that from January 2009 all newly released PS3 games will be required by Sony to support the console's Trophy system.

Earlier this week received a tip from an anonymous source within the UK video game industry that, from January 2009 onwards, all newly released PS3 titles will be required to support the PS3 Trophy system.

Today a Sony Computer Entertainment Europe spokesperson confirmed that this information is accurate, stating: "Yes from Jan 09 all games must have trophies."

This news is sure to be met very positively by PS3 gamers who are currently having to put up with sporadic Trophy support from this winter's biggest releases. Mandatory Trophy support will also put an end to post release Trophy patches that force gamers to replay games to earn the Trophies.




good news!!  well, i don't personally care about trophies/achievments but a lot of people do. and at the very least this will eliminate one 360fanboy talking point. xD

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Kudo's to that :P I'm still looking forward to a unified playstation name, and PSP trophies ;)

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

About ******** time? :P

Why not earlier...? hmm...

this is good news. it's a pain to even think about going back to earn trophies for things you've already done.

is this games RELEASED in jan or games that start production in jan? either finally sony is getting this right. i love trophies!!!

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Well thats good to know...the last game I bought that didn't have trophies was MGS4

Platinums: Red Dead Redemption, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Terminator Salvation, Uncharted 1, inFamous Second Son, Rocket League

Dno said:
is this games RELEASED in jan or games that start production in jan? either finally sony is getting this right. i love trophies!!!

well you're reading the same article i am so i can't really answer this but i was left with the impression of all games released january on.


@kyliedog - good question, i guess we'll have to wait and see.

I wonder if they mean all games released after 1/2009 or all games starting development after 1/2009.

If it's all games released after 1/2009 I wouldn't be surprised to some multiplatform games with small delays.

@ twesterm: which would be weird, since there was an article where a developer said it only took a couple of hours to implement trophies / achievements...

great stuff