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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Reggie: Third parties don't "get" the Wii, more

Esa-Petteri said:
@ghost of rubang b

My point was that why should a wii fit owner buy another fitness game. If it is not bundled with balance board, it won't attract new buyers. Sounds like a total failure to me. :)

Now I get it. There is nothing original about NMH itself, it is the wiimote. Would DMC be original if it was on PS3/360 with wiimote-copy?

I'm not saying No More Heroes is good just because they slapped some Wii remote functionality onto it.  No More Heroes is good because Grasshopper and Suda51 get the Wii, and they thought of a great way to incorporate the new motion controls in a fun way that doesn't detract from the experience.  Many games just slap some waggle on and it ruins the whole game.

Here's an example of how to ruin a beat-'em-up on the Wii: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  You just hit "attack" over and over and over forever.  But now instead of that being a button, it's waggle.  They replaced button-mashing with waggle-mashing.  It's horrible.  And not only that, you only play with 1 turtle at a time.

If Capcom could incorporate good motion controls into an old genre, it would be a good game.  Many companies don't get it.  That's what I'm talking about.  DMC would not be original if it was on the PS360 with "wiimote-copy."  Copying is not original.  Ever.


People who enjoy Wii Fit might be interested in trying out another exercise game.  Why would anybody who already owns an FPS buy a thousand more?

Also, about 1 out of 3 Wii owners buy Wii Fit.  Maybe the other 2 out of 3 would prefer the cheaper EA knockoff?


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Esa-Petteri said:

Nice and long answer.

Yeah, mario fps would be a huge hit. Too bad that the third parties won't be getting that one. ;P

It is up to the devs, and I think they are doing a pretty good job at the moment. If you look at the profits they are making on wii games, why wouldn't they be? Low development costs for games like carnival games + good sales = big profits. I would not put a lot of money for developing games if I could get more profit for less investment...

And yeah, I think that a good wii title should be easy for the new players and at least somewhat challanging to more experienced players. I just fail to see how that is supposed to be achieved in many genres.

Absolutely, Carnival Games was a good idea -- the sales bear that out.

But it would be a mistake to think that 1) Carnival Games is the only thing that Wii owners want and are willing to buy, or that 2) they're willing to buy Carnival Games over and over again, just with new packaging.

I believe that most gamers don't really care about development costs -- they care about the final product. Sure, if you're a developer, and you can create a product that'll sell millions for a low development cost, you'll do it. But the existence of Carnival Games doesn't mean that's an easy thing to do, or that these third parties have figured out the magical recipe to instant success on the Wii -- the fact that so many are struggling financially points to that. Just copying Carnival Games isn't going to work -- it's harder work than that, and might be more resource-intensive. And, if you want the really big fruit... like the first installment of what winds up becoming a legendary franchise, spawning sequels across multiple platforms and decades, then you'll have to pony up the necessary investment and take the risk. The Wii is ripe for things like that: it's creating an entirely new generation of gamers who are going to be around for decades, just as my generation was brought in by the original NES. They're forever going to remember the games they loved on the Wii. The right third party with the right mindset stands to make their fortune if they can capture the spirit of Wii's new (and gigantic) market.

Esa-Petteri said:


What kind of game is the right game for wii?

And yeah, no-one should be making excuses. Yet there are some people on these forums who make excuses like "it is a niche title, it is a new ip, it is a watered down version,it was not marketed properly, retailers underestimated the demand" and so on.


 One thing is to think that everygame ain't sell because this excuses and other is that some games ain't sell because of some reasons

"It's a niche title" This is true for No More Heroes, can you name many titles like this that have sell millions?.

"It is a new IP" Most of the time this is always something that reduce sells, why? because a new IP that isn't advertised has no hype and that means low sales (Again, the case of No More heroes and to say other Zack & Wiki)

"It is a watered down version" This have been a reason of bad sales on Wii games since the beginning of the generation, don't say that all the games that are released on the Wii (that are multiplat) have the same effort of the PS3/X360 ones, because that's NOT true, some ports are even on par with the PS2 games (COD:WaW is one example)

"It was not marketed properly" To be honest, i think this is one of the main reason of the sales of any game, if a game is not advertised, how is people supposed to know about it?  Do you really think that most of the people look into websites and check it on the Internet just like you and me do it? The answer is NO. We have seen the wonders that MS have done with their commercials, do you really think that the sales of HALO and GeoW are just because are good games? When a game has a great advertising it can sell even if it's not a good game (look at Army of Two sales, from what i have heard this game isn't good enough to deserve it's sales, but the commercials were great)

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The Ghost of RubangB said:
Esa-Petteri said:
@ghost of rubang b

My point was that why should a wii fit owner buy another fitness game. If it is not bundled with balance board, it won't attract new buyers. Sounds like a total failure to me. :)

Now I get it. There is nothing original about NMH itself, it is the wiimote. Would DMC be original if it was on PS3/360 with wiimote-copy?

I'm not saying No More Heroes is good just because they slapped some Wii remote functionality onto it.  No More Heroes is good because Grasshopper and Suda51 get the Wii, and they thought of a great way to incorporate the new motion controls in a fun way that doesn't detract from the experience.  Many games just slap some waggle on and it ruins the whole game.

Here's an example of how to ruin a beat-'em-up on the Wii: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  You just hit "attack" over and over and over forever.  But now instead of that being a button, it's waggle.  They replaced button-mashing with waggle-mashing.  It's horrible.  And not only that, you only play with 1 turtle at a time.

If Capcom could incorporate good motion controls into an old genre, it would be a good game.  Many companies don't get it.  That's what I'm talking about.  DMC would not be original if it was on the PS360 with "wiimote-copy."  Copying is not original.  Ever.


People who enjoy Wii Fit might be interested in trying out another exercise game.  Why would anybody who already owns an FPS buy a thousand more?

Also, about 1 out of 3 Wii owners buy Wii Fit.  Maybe the other 2 out of 3 would prefer the cheaper EA knockoff?


Wait, is NMH a new genre? What is it, once again? You haven't yet told me what is so original about it. Just the wiimote-part. IF microsoft would make wiimote-copy, how that would make third party games not original? They would not have copied wiimote... or what was that point again?


Now I really don't get you. First you say that EA-fit will fail and when I am agreeing with you, you seem to convince me that it could sell. Those 2/3 would need to buy wii fit, just to play EA-fit. Somehow I don't see that happening, do you? ;) You certainly know there is a difference with the target audience who buys fps-games and the majority of the audience who buys wii fit.


If they want to create a better community for the wii, destroy those friend codes, add stable servers, and use the Mii's for MORE GAMES


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If it doesn't happen this generation, I expect that if the next generation is heavily Wii influenced the publishers and developers will "get it" pretty much straight away.


donathos said:
Esa-Petteri said:

Nice and long answer.

Yeah, mario fps would be a huge hit. Too bad that the third parties won't be getting that one. ;P

It is up to the devs, and I think they are doing a pretty good job at the moment. If you look at the profits they are making on wii games, why wouldn't they be? Low development costs for games like carnival games + good sales = big profits. I would not put a lot of money for developing games if I could get more profit for less investment...

And yeah, I think that a good wii title should be easy for the new players and at least somewhat challanging to more experienced players. I just fail to see how that is supposed to be achieved in many genres.

Absolutely, Carnival Games was a good idea -- the sales bear that out.

But it would be a mistake to think that 1) Carnival Games is the only thing that Wii owners want and are willing to buy, or that 2) they're willing to buy Carnival Games over and over again, just with new packaging.

I believe that most gamers don't really care about development costs -- they care about the final product. Sure, if you're a developer, and you can create a product that'll sell millions for a low development cost, you'll do it. But the existence of Carnival Games doesn't mean that's an easy thing to do, or that these third parties have figured out the magical recipe to instant success on the Wii -- the fact that so many are struggling financially points to that. Just copying Carnival Games isn't going to work -- it's harder work than that, and might be more resource-intensive. And, if you want the really big fruit... like the first installment of what winds up becoming a legendary franchise, spawning sequels across multiple platforms and decades, then you'll have to pony up the necessary investment and take the risk. The Wii is ripe for things like that: it's creating an entirely new generation of gamers who are going to be around for decades, just as my generation was brought in by the original NES. They're forever going to remember the games they loved on the Wii. The right third party with the right mindset stands to make their fortune if they can capture the spirit of Wii's new (and gigantic) market.

I am not saying that is the only thing what sells on wii. It is just the easiest way to make profit, at the moment at least. Since wii is getting more of that "expanded audience" all the time, that kind of games might very well sell for a while longer..


I think I am part of the same generation of gamers as you, but I was not brought to gaming with nes. A lot of people played genesis or computer games. How big will the wii market eventually be is yet to be seen. It might not be as gigantic as some people think. Only time will tell. :)





I haven't played NMH so I can't really tell what are that kind of games? Maybe you can give me some examples of games that compare to NMH.

Esa-Petteri said:

Nice and long answer.

Yeah, mario fps would be a huge hit. Too bad that the third parties won't be getting that one. ;P

It is up to the devs, and I think they are doing a pretty good job at the moment. If you look at the profits they are making on wii games, why wouldn't they be? Low development costs for games like carnival games + good sales = big profits. I would not put a lot of money for developing games if I could get more profit for less investment...

And yeah, I think that a good wii title should be easy for the new players and at least somewhat challanging to more experienced players. I just fail to see how that is supposed to be achieved in many genres.


Oh -- one last thing, then I have to get off for the night. Of course no third party can make Mario FPS, but that isn't the point. The point is to make a game like Nintendo would make it, not aping their trademarked characters, or even their specific style, but with attention to things like accessibility, family-friendliness, party-action, quality, depth, polish, artistic strength, etc.

Look, Goldeneye wasn't Goldeneye because everyone loved James Bond. It was Goldeneye because of what it created in terms of the game experience. The Mario FPS we're talking about doesn't have to have Mario in it! :) It just has to be a great, new game that speaks to the things that Wii owners like. Instead of being Game #192 with Mario in it, or whatever, it can be Game #1 with a new cast of characters that winds up living forever in the hearts and minds of gamers, just as all of today's great franchises started with a Game #1.

G'night. :)

Esa-Petteri said:


I haven't played NMH so I can't really tell what are that kind of games? Maybe you can give me some examples of games that compare to NMH.


 Rubang just gave some example, like God of War and DMC, besides.. is that all that you'll reply from my post?

||Tag courtesy of fkusumot - "Heaven is like a Nintendo theme park!"||Join the Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 American League HERE!||

Esa-Petteri said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Esa-Petteri said:
@ghost of rubang b

My point was that why should a wii fit owner buy another fitness game. If it is not bundled with balance board, it won't attract new buyers. Sounds like a total failure to me. :)

Now I get it. There is nothing original about NMH itself, it is the wiimote. Would DMC be original if it was on PS3/360 with wiimote-copy?

I'm not saying No More Heroes is good just because they slapped some Wii remote functionality onto it.  No More Heroes is good because Grasshopper and Suda51 get the Wii, and they thought of a great way to incorporate the new motion controls in a fun way that doesn't detract from the experience.  Many games just slap some waggle on and it ruins the whole game.

Here's an example of how to ruin a beat-'em-up on the Wii: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  You just hit "attack" over and over and over forever.  But now instead of that being a button, it's waggle.  They replaced button-mashing with waggle-mashing.  It's horrible.  And not only that, you only play with 1 turtle at a time.

If Capcom could incorporate good motion controls into an old genre, it would be a good game.  Many companies don't get it.  That's what I'm talking about.  DMC would not be original if it was on the PS360 with "wiimote-copy."  Copying is not original.  Ever.


People who enjoy Wii Fit might be interested in trying out another exercise game.  Why would anybody who already owns an FPS buy a thousand more?

Also, about 1 out of 3 Wii owners buy Wii Fit.  Maybe the other 2 out of 3 would prefer the cheaper EA knockoff?


Wait, is NMH a new genre? What is it, once again? You haven't yet told me what is so original about it. Just the wiimote-part. IF microsoft would make wiimote-copy, how that would make third party games not original? They would not have copied wiimote... or what was that point again?


Now I really don't get you. First you say that EA-fit will fail and when I am agreeing with you, you seem to convince me that it could sell. Those 2/3 would need to buy wii fit, just to play EA-fit. Somehow I don't see that happening, do you? ;) You certainly know there is a difference with the target audience who buys fps-games and the majority of the audience who buys wii fit.


Oh sorry.  No More Heroes is kind of like a sandbox game like GTA, and you can walk around and drive around everywhere and explore and do side-missions and go shopping and stuff, but you fight with a sword (basically a light saber) instead of a gun, so it's all melee combat, so it's also like a 3-D melee beat-'em-up like Devil May Cry or whatever.

It has a great original story and great original artwork and animation style.  And the controls are amazing.  I just listed the one Wii-remote move that made the biggest difference for me.  But it also lets you do other things, like wrestling moves that are really badass.  Here are some trailers with a good mix of gameplay and cutscenes:


I still think the EA Fit game will fail.  I'm just saying that the question "Why would somebody who already owns Wii Fit buy another exercise game?" is not a good argument.  I love rhythm games, so I buy several.  Some people love shooters, so they buy several.  Some people will love exercise games, and buy several.  And you don't need the balance board to play EA's new Wii Fit ripoff.  It's only with the remotes and nunchucks.  It will be cheaper than Wii Fit.

I really don't believe there is a difference between FPS fans and Wii Fit fans.  I think the whole idea of a "magical new casual audience that shops differently" is a bunch of bullshit.