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hopfully DSi levels off about 70k

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


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TheSource said:

This week isn't really that important guys.

Next week we get Animal Crossing (Wii), Chrono Trigger (DS), the Gundam v Gundam PSP bundle, and Last Remnant on 360.

Its going to be telling.

Whether PSP can return above DSi will determine which system is best selling in Japan in 2008 because the rest of 2008 will follow next week. Both are going to be up substantially given that they'll have new games topping 150k.

Animal Crossing is looking pretty big. Already looks like a bigger debut than Mario Galaxy. Wii has been slowly trending up anyway, so it should get a 20k boost or something.

Chrono Trigger...No idea on that one. It had a huge debut on SNES...ages ago. But then again Kirby Superstar debuted almost identically on DS and SNES despite a decade + gap in time. Chrono Trigger did 2m on SNES though.

Last Remnant should push 360 back into the 10,000+ range, and probably near or aboe PS3....the game itself will probably hit somewhere in the high five digit range.


Yes I'd expect AC: CF to give Wii some pretty good boosts.  Franchise is quite big there and releasing in a lull meaning it'll be multiplied in popularity.  I'd expect anywhere from 300k-500k in the first week and in between 1-1.5 million by the end of the year.  Should be Wii's holiday selling title in Japan considering Wii Music is under performing. 

Chrono Trigger is a pretty big cult title and I'm thinking it's going to have similar sales to the FF and DQ remakes... possibly more.  500k-600k opener and at least 1 million by the end of the year.  Should boost DS decently as well especially considering DSi is out.

PSP boosts from Gundam will be fairly nice as well and might put it at or just below DS/DSi.  Two should be quite close.  As for Last Remant I'd expect about a 100k opener with 15k-20k 360's next week and then large dropoffs following as usual.

thekitchensink said:
@Jo21: Cuz the 360 definitely didn't win in Others this week, right?


he said DUE to the US.  Not "ONLY in the US"...

YAY for Wii > PS360

Pixel Art can be fun.

FilaBrasileiro said:

-Make PSN betterPSN has made great strides and is a LOT better than before, but it still is behind Live, not only should Sony try to match Live on certain stuff (more movies, TV shows and games, cross game voice chat, chat and demo on pretty much every game, PS2 games on the store, etc) but they should try to do stuff that Live doesn't have like a Music store with MP3s and music videos for sale.



They can't really do the highlighted parts.

Cross game voice chat: Developers usually use their own servers on PS3 games, so this would be impossible.  Microsoft can do it because the games usually are on either their own servers or hosted by the player.  For the few games that have dedicated servers, like Left 4 Dead, the functionality can easily be programmed in.

Demo on every game: The demo thing is up to the game developer, not Sony.  This takes time, and therefore money, to produce, and some either can't afford it or would rather get the game done faster or put in more content.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."