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Forums - Sony Discussion - Action/Adventure options

Hi amigos, I don't post too much here I just like to read these great disscusion in the forums but lets go straight to the subjet. Is there any open world action/adventure game for the PS3? I used to be a Zelda kinda games fan but Wii didn't offered the grapichs potential that I wanted to see in my HD lcd so right now I have my ps3 60GB ( I bought it july 16 '07). I also like resident evil series I have played all of them, GTA series, World of warcraft and football games like fifa( yeah football, futbol ; ) )


Right know finally have money to buy 2 games but I'm kinda doubful of which game should I pick up, my current library is:


Unreal tournament III (I  haven't played it since I don't know mm March )

Lair ( I don't sell this one, I like it)

COD4 ( I like the online Multiplayer)

Grand Theft Auto 4 (One of my favorites of this generation but I finished it and I don't play it anymore)

Metal Gear solid 4 (totally ownage, multiplayer is also great)

fifa 2008 (I like this one because I can play with my friends 2 vs 2 or 2 vs online )


I know fo sure that my causin is going to buy a PS3 and we liked alot the Motorstorm: PR demo and I convinced him to buy it hehehhe.






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Not many Action Adventure titles that I can think of. I guess you could play Fallout 3 without guns and do so as a action title. Though perhaps it may be a good idea without that, since it sounds like you like big open worlds to explore, which is one of the things Fallout 3 does quite well.


I really like the story of fallout but when I saw that it was a FPS I was like meh another FPS? :S ...

well it's not like your average FPS, there are alot more RPG elements, and many many sidequests and exploring, that said it did some things I didn't like, but that seem irrelevant to your tastes. The story had a complete crap ending, and I felt the weapon selection was wanting. I'm afraid it's the closest thing I can come up with though, action adventure just isn't my thing, you may want to rent Uncharted and Heavenly Sword though, both are very good but unfortunately short. Uncharted has some good replay value though, so I personally own it.


I borrowed Heavenly sword from a friend it was an awesome game, superb graphics, nice voice acting and good game play but very short. I should rent fallout 3 if hook me to the screen I will buy it. I haven't tried uncharted I see alot of magazines and websites call this one the best PS3 game out so far.

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well it is another shooter, but I particularly enjoyed it myself. It has a decent story and nice humor for a title in its genre. I'm afraid our tastes differ so I can't help you as much as others.


well thanks a lot bro, lets see if more ppl come by and post some recommendations. Anyway, Which game are you playing right now?

Valkyria Chronicles, a japanese SRPG. Fantastic title that I would recommend to any JRPG fan, but that didn't seem to be your tastes so I kept myself from mentioning it. Was tough, love this game. ^^


I don't know. If you like RPG's, or even Better SRPG's you could give Disgaea3 and Valkyria Chronicles a shot. Dead Space seems very interesting, and there is also Bioshock but it's a love it or hate it game from what I see [I happen to kinda Love it just from the demo :)] Uncharted is definatly worth a shot.

If you like fighers Tekken 5 Online is at the PS Store, it's a ps2 game but fun and at a great price. And there is also Ultimate ninja storm, not sure if you would like the game play style of the figher, there is a demo on the Store you could try out. Same goes for Valkyria Chronicles, there is a demo there for it aswell. Hope you enjoy your system dude.

4 ≈ One

My last JRPG was Final fantasy VII I lost all the other final fantasy by choosing Game cube as my last generation system, what a shame... but I barely played for the lack of good games that's why I went to PC FPS shooters like UT2003,2004 and counter strike: Source then I got sucked by world of warcraft like 1 year and a half jeez I just remember throwing WOW by the window it was wow or my life heheheh. Great time in wow anyways, then I bought the mighty PS3 which now I'm stuck by buying a game.

A fight game? I'm so waiting for Street fighter 4! I'm not interesting in Mortal Kombat vs Marvel since DC characters reduced the gore of the classic Mortal Kombat.


Back to RPGs I played Eternal sonata game Demo last week and I was mmm looks like I might try this one but I dunno if it worth the buy.