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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official NXE Reviews & Impressions thread from VGCers

xlost7 said:

So I mean you press the Guide Button and does it contain the blade like the original Guide. Or does it have something new when you press it?

Thats where I'm trying to get at.


They do contain the blades, but this time they pop up in the middle of the screen as a horizintal box while the options for the categories are more streamlined by rearranging some of the options to make them more logical.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

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I like it a lot, but the text doesn't scale aswell to my 1900 * 1200 resolution like the last dashboard did

How can you possibly misspell QWERTY? It's spelled correctly on the damn keyboard.


Nice..So instead of it showing up on the left side of the screen. It show s up in the middle.
Thanks dude, I'm just asking questions for no reason really. I'm like 15 minutes almost done class and I completed all my assignments. So I will be home around 1:30PM eastern time!! I can't wait!

xlost7 said:

Nice..So instead of it showing up on the left side of the screen. It show s up in the middle.
Thanks dude, I'm just asking questions for no reason really. I'm like 15 minutes almost done class and I completed all my assignments. So I will be home around 1:30PM eastern time!! I can't wait!


That's cool.  Have fun and let us know.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

Well, my perspectives go as follows:

Got up at 9:15 a.m. Turned on my 360. Update prompted. Took only 10 seconds to do the first loading part. 360 restarted, then downloaded and installed the update in about 1:30 seconds (not sure why it was so fast! I have 20mbps internet, so maybe that is why? I was expecting 5-10minutes like others have stated).

Watched the intro vid which was cool except the poop looking thing was weird.

Immediately created my virtual likeness, although I want a Colts jersey and some more hats to choose from!

Downloaded a premium theme :D

Messed around searching and browsing. Downloaded Netflix.

Then had to go to work :(

Once I get home, I am immediately subscribing to Netflix so I can start the streaming! I wonder how many new Netflix subscribers there will be because of this. I mean, $9 a month for unlimited streaming in SD AND HD! That beats the pants of off everything including Red Box!

Oh, and I plan on getting a 120GB hard drive for the Xbox 360 from  They have it on sale at $135 with free shipping, plus if you use their credit card (first purchase with it), you get $30 off.  Plus, after I transfer my data, I'll sell the old hard drive and cable, so all-together the cost of the 120GB hard drive for me will only be about:

-   30
-   25 (hard drive sell)
-   20 (transfer cable sell)
$60 WOOT!

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xlost7 said:
Goddbless said:
xlost7 said:

Oh they will release a new HDD. There is way more 360 users out there that would take advantage of the installing games to HDD feature. I will also. So it would make perfect sense for them to make a upgrade HDD.

I just wish Microsoft was smart and did what Sony did and let the user upgrade the drive on their own.

A bit off topic but if you ever want to co-op in Gears hit me up. I still need to get the Dom achievements and I'll never get it playing with my cousin. His name is Dominick so he never wants to be Marcus.



Dude sure!!

Problem is I want the Dom achievements also. So I mean we can take turns. But I'm already in the process of completing the game. I'm playing on Insane mode and I'm at Act 3.

Well I've yet to complete the game on Insane. I'm up to RAAM but I stopped playing for a while got rusty. I tried it again with my cousin about a month ago but we were both rusty and kept getting owned. After playing Gears 2 so much I think I could jump back in now and do a bit better. Plus my cousin likes to play run & gun so I spend most of my time reviving him.


Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


nice to finally get this update. everything looks so new! one problem with me though; does anyone experience a very long pause when you finish viewing a friends' profile? i seem to be getting it, when i select a friend, and then go back to my friends list, it hangs for like 30 second before i can do anything.

Jordahn said:
xlost7 said:

Nice..So instead of it showing up on the left side of the screen. It show s up in the middle.
Thanks dude, I'm just asking questions for no reason really. I'm like 15 minutes almost done class and I completed all my assignments. So I will be home around 1:30PM eastern time!! I can't wait!


That's cool.  Have fun and let us know.

Yea, I should have said that was smack dab in the middle haha.  At first I was like wtf do you mean blades, then I figured it out =P.   

But yea, let us know what you think because from an overall concensus, people like it!


Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

I got home from work this morning, download the NXE , then Netflix. My wife is probably more excited than me to be able to instantly stream Netflix shows that she que up without a hitch. (I used to use Play-On trial version on PS3 but it constantly crash).

I have to say I was preparing for the worst but kudo to MS for pulling this off with very nominal snag. (Live seems to be a bit slow but that's understandable with millions of console all downloading the NXE.

took 2 minutes to upload - good.
Made my avatar - easy.
Intro - very impressive
navigation - looked complicating, but it's really user-friendly
Netflix - signing up right after this post. no more blockbusters.
Playing games from HDD - awesome!

Good job Microsoft!