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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official NXE Reviews & Impressions thread from VGCers

Post ALL of your personal NXE impressions here.

Please, no trolling from non-X360 owners bashing what NXE offers. This is for owners (or perspective owners) talking about NXE, which launches tomorrow at 10am.

Edit: From my understanding, NXE is going live at 10am GST, or 5am EST, 2am PST.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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A few of the major features NXE is offering:

Your Avatar is your online identity.

A bold new future begins now, where high-definition (HD) entertainment is delivered in an instant, the best games share the stage with the best movies and TV shows, and every experience is shared with friends and family in the same room or around the world.

Industry-Defining Milestone
By the end of this month, Xbox 360 will reach another industry-defining milestone: 25 million Xbox 360 consoles sold worldwide. It has taken the leading next-generation game and entertainment console just three years to eclipse the total lifetime number of original Xbox consoles sold.

Change your Avatar to suit your mood.

"The future of home entertainment is Xbox 360—it's on-demand, it's high-definition, it's always social, it's all in one place," said Don Mattrick, senior vice president for the Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft Corp. "With the New Xbox Experience, we will reach the next generation of Xbox owners, 25 million and beyond. We are at a watershed moment, backed by the largest entertainment brands, with an incredible lineup of entertainment unmatched in any industry."

Browse Netflix movies from your console or PC.

Friends and Favorite Entertainment
With the launch of the New Xbox Experience, Xbox 360 owners have a limitless world where the best games, movies and TV shows are ready to share with friends across the globe through Xbox LIVE:

  • Netflix instantly streaming in HD: The New Xbox Experience isn't the only thing that will look great on your TV. Netflix is taking the first step by instantly streaming movies and TV episodes in high definition with the introduction of approximately 300 choices in HD via Xbox 360, including La Vie en Rose, Flawless, and Heroes. Xbox 360 is the only Netflix-ready device to offer high-definition movies and TV episodes.
  • Xbox LIVE Party: Use Xbox 360 to create a virtual party on your TV with up to seven friends. With Xbox LIVE Party, use voice chat while you play games,* share photos in real time, and entertain friends all over the world.
  • Personality plus: Create a customized, animated avatar and literally jump into the world of Xbox LIVE. Your avatar is your game face throughout the New Xbox Experience and represents your personality, whether you are serving as an Xbox LIVE Party host, playing a game of Scene It? ® Box Office Smash, or chatting with a friend.
  • On-demand entertainment: Xbox 360 is home to the best TV and movie entertainment, including more than 12,000 movies and TV episodes from Netflix and a large online library of more than 15,000 on-demand high-definition TV shows and movies from global partners such as Constantin, The Walt Disney Studios, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios (MGM), NBC Universal, and Warner Bros. Entertainment.
  • Your personal game room: Play revived classics such as PAC-MAN Championship Edition™, Galaga Legions, and Portal: Still Alive, alongside games that put your avatars in the action, such as A Kingdom for Keflings, UNO®, and Hardwood Hearts exclusively for download from Xbox LIVE Arcade. Xbox LIVE members also will be able to access all of Xbox LIVE Marketplace, including Xbox LIVE Arcade, and even queue content to download straight from
  • Games for the community, by the community: For the first time in the history of console gaming, thousands of games developed by the creative community will be available to the public. The Community Games channel on Xbox LIVE will include games made by students, hobbyists and maybe even your next door neighbor, and will be exclusive to Xbox LIVE.

Check out the latest offerings in Marketplace.

Biggest Names in Entertainment
No device offers more entertainment than Xbox 360. In addition to Netflix in the United States, major film studios around the world unveiled their plans to offer feature films on Xbox LIVE in Canada, Italy, and Spain, truly transforming Xbox 360 into the world's largest online entertainment center.

  • Magnolia Pictures: The studio that released such groundbreaking and award-winning feature films as The World's Fastest Indian, The Host, Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, and Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior will be bringing its slate of compelling feature films to Xbox LIVE in Canada and the U.S.
  • MGM:MGM is bringing its library of blockbuster movies to Xbox LIVE in Italy and Spain. MGM, already available in Canada, France, Germany, the U.K., and the U.S., will offer films such as Carrie, Rocky, and Species on Xbox LIVE around the world.
  • Paramount Pictures: Paramount Digital Entertainment will mark the two-year anniversary of making its movies available on Xbox LIVE by becoming a content provider in Italy and Spain. Films such as Iron Man, Stop-Loss, and The Ruins will be made available worldwide this fall.
  • Warner Bros. Digital Distribution: Warner Bros. Digital Distribution will make 100 movie titles available on Xbox LIVE in Italy, including Interview With the Vampire and The Matrix Trilogy. Xbox LIVE in Spain also will offer 100 movie titles, including Sweeney Todd and One Missed Call. Currently the studio offers content in Canada, Germany, France, the U.K. and the U.S.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

I personally love the new interface. It looks much better than the old blades and finding content is about a million times better. The addition of search options for the various DLC is great. No more scrolling through 400 titles.

Netflix is great. I watched some 30 Rock and King of Kong in streaming HD and it worked flawlessly. I have gotten 4 bars in quality every time except once on King of Kong when the movie paused and dropped down to 3. I watched the first Toxic Avenger and it was as blissfully bad as when I first watched it.  Also, it only takes about 15 seconds for the HD streams to start playing.

My wife actually went through the process of creating an avatar and used a 1 month free membership for gold. She did that so she could use her Netflix profile for streaming but Netflix is only registered for the box not the gamertag. Unless I am doing something wrong.

The events menu is pretty cool as it shows things coming up within the next few weeks, like gaming with celebrities and such. I did see a subway ad slid in one of the menus but it was unobtrusive so no big deal there. Currently it is hard to tell who is online or not in your friends menu as of now but that is only because the new interface utilizes the avatars to display that information by having them be asleep when offline and awake when online. As my friends do not have the NXE it could be hard to tell who is online from that menu. I could hit the guide button and could go to the old friends menu from there.

The new guide button is great. You can browse the marketplaces from in game and it pops up in a much timelier fashion than the old one.

I only have a 20gb drive so I haven't fooled with installing games so I cannot comment on that.

Avatars are neat and could add some interesting elements to arcade titles and the Primetime stuff that is coming later.

I will add people who post reviews to the VGChartz Avatar Gathering.

Kinda the same thing...but the 4th screenshot in this thread is made of win because of Vesperia being featured in it.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

I hope this thread stays this time... lol


I got in early: read here.


I've only had the NXE for just a few hours.. but i must say I'm enjoying the Hell out of this new experience.

I'm not getting any lag that I read about in earlier reviews, everything is running very smoothly for me right now.

Signed up for Netflix, Watched Weird Science, as a test movie, Have my Free Month and then it's only $8.95 unlimited Movies a month. Fast Forwarding / Rewinding is nice because once you start you zoom out and go to a real of film so you see exactly what you passed and what is to come so you can pinpoint were you want to be/go.. very nice.

Avatar Creation is rich and detailed as much as an Avatar can be, the clothes are stylish from football Xbox Jerseys, to Miami Vice type 80's one-piece suits, and matching loafers.

Game Installs are Nice and Fast, about 1 minute 20-30 seconds per gig or so. Fallout 3 load screen are there, but not even noticeable, going for GTA4 in a little bit. Don't even know the 360 is on, I'm sure this will save me on energy costs... lol

My Favorite is probably the menu's, I mean the look and feel can be over whelming and exiting when you first get NXE, but spend just a short time and everything falls into place. There is so much more info for games. First you see the covers of the games, select a game and you have screen shots, videos, demo's right there, showing you.

Live previews can be seen even while scrolling through the entertainment section.

I'm still learning all I can from this new NXE, clicking the triggers fast forwards you through the menus quickly, center button has all your old features like Personal setting, music, friends, mail etc.

I'm extremely happy i got to experience NXE early, and I must say again, I'm enjoying the Hell out of it.


This is what I gathered so far from my short time with NXE, I hope the rest of you enjoy this new Experiance!

PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o

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Does it go live 1am Eastern time?

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


Yeah, I forgot to add that they have tons of media for the games now. Screenshots and stuff. They load quickly and add a lot to the experience of browsing games.

It goes live at 10 am? I was hoping to get this at midnight.

I'm confused. I see lots of people on this site with avatars, and we're supposed to give impressions, but it's not even available for download yet? I'm quite confused.



MontanaHatchet said:
I'm confused. I see lots of people on this site with avatars, and we're supposed to give impressions, but it's not even available for download yet? I'm quite confused.


There was a preview event that you could sign up for and get early access.