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I personally love the new interface. It looks much better than the old blades and finding content is about a million times better. The addition of search options for the various DLC is great. No more scrolling through 400 titles.

Netflix is great. I watched some 30 Rock and King of Kong in streaming HD and it worked flawlessly. I have gotten 4 bars in quality every time except once on King of Kong when the movie paused and dropped down to 3. I watched the first Toxic Avenger and it was as blissfully bad as when I first watched it.  Also, it only takes about 15 seconds for the HD streams to start playing.

My wife actually went through the process of creating an avatar and used a 1 month free membership for gold. She did that so she could use her Netflix profile for streaming but Netflix is only registered for the box not the gamertag. Unless I am doing something wrong.

The events menu is pretty cool as it shows things coming up within the next few weeks, like gaming with celebrities and such. I did see a subway ad slid in one of the menus but it was unobtrusive so no big deal there. Currently it is hard to tell who is online or not in your friends menu as of now but that is only because the new interface utilizes the avatars to display that information by having them be asleep when offline and awake when online. As my friends do not have the NXE it could be hard to tell who is online from that menu. I could hit the guide button and could go to the old friends menu from there.

The new guide button is great. You can browse the marketplaces from in game and it pops up in a much timelier fashion than the old one.

I only have a 20gb drive so I haven't fooled with installing games so I cannot comment on that.

Avatars are neat and could add some interesting elements to arcade titles and the Primetime stuff that is coming later.

I will add people who post reviews to the VGChartz Avatar Gathering.