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I hope this thread stays this time... lol


I got in early: read here.


I've only had the NXE for just a few hours.. but i must say I'm enjoying the Hell out of this new experience.

I'm not getting any lag that I read about in earlier reviews, everything is running very smoothly for me right now.

Signed up for Netflix, Watched Weird Science, as a test movie, Have my Free Month and then it's only $8.95 unlimited Movies a month. Fast Forwarding / Rewinding is nice because once you start you zoom out and go to a real of film so you see exactly what you passed and what is to come so you can pinpoint were you want to be/go.. very nice.

Avatar Creation is rich and detailed as much as an Avatar can be, the clothes are stylish from football Xbox Jerseys, to Miami Vice type 80's one-piece suits, and matching loafers.

Game Installs are Nice and Fast, about 1 minute 20-30 seconds per gig or so. Fallout 3 load screen are there, but not even noticeable, going for GTA4 in a little bit. Don't even know the 360 is on, I'm sure this will save me on energy costs... lol

My Favorite is probably the menu's, I mean the look and feel can be over whelming and exiting when you first get NXE, but spend just a short time and everything falls into place. There is so much more info for games. First you see the covers of the games, select a game and you have screen shots, videos, demo's right there, showing you.

Live previews can be seen even while scrolling through the entertainment section.

I'm still learning all I can from this new NXE, clicking the triggers fast forwards you through the menus quickly, center button has all your old features like Personal setting, music, friends, mail etc.

I'm extremely happy i got to experience NXE early, and I must say again, I'm enjoying the Hell out of it.


This is what I gathered so far from my short time with NXE, I hope the rest of you enjoy this new Experiance!

PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o