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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Choose Me Two New Wii Games!

I've just scraped together $80 and I happen to own three really bad games that I can trade in for a new title. The trouble is, like that guy in the Sony forum, I don't know which to choose. The finalists are:

Guitar Hero: World Tour would just be the game by itself.

Which TWO games should I get? Has anyone got any other games they suggest I take a look at?

I sold most of my M:TG collection to get this money, so I'd want to make it something memorable. I like adventure games, platformers and RPGs. Any sort of realistic simulation is good too.

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i would choose disaster and GH world tour, i have disaster and it is very good game, i never played guitar hero if you like those kind of games then go for it, the snowboarding game is good too, i would also recommend call of duty world at war.

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

I couldn't help but notice you don't have Metroid Prime 3, Twilight Princess or Brawl in your game collection >_>

From those four: Disaster and Shaun White.
Both are very good.

If you already have Wii Fit then I'd get Shaun White and Wii Music. If not then Disaster and Wii Music.

Although looking at your game collection you need Metroid Prime 3, and I would sugest Battalion Wars II as well.

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--OkeyDokey-- said:
I couldn't help but notice you don't have Metroid Prime 3, Twilight Princess or Brawl in your game collection >_>

I don't! Do you reckon I should?

Before Super Smash Bros. Brawl came out, I borrowed Super Smash Bros. Melee from a coworker to give it a try. Suffice to say, I didn't have much fun with it and decided not to get Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

I've played a little of the SNES Zelda and the DS Zelda. As far as top-down puzzle-based RPGs go, I don't rate those games very highly. From what I know, Twilight Princess isn't top-down like those games, and who knows, it could be better.

Metroid Prime 3... I don't know much about this one other than the fact that you turn the Wii remote to turn door handles. That part sounds cool, but besides that, what's the big draw of the game? My Super Smash Bros. Melee owning coworker was going on about it, but I've never been a fan of the Metroid games and don't see what all the fuss is about. It'd also have to offer something pretty unique, because I'm not a big first person shooter fan.


Thanks for the suggestions everyone! Here are the votes so far:

  • (2) Disaster: Day of Crisis
  • (2) Shaun White Snowboarding
  • (1) Guitar Hero: World Tour
  • (1) Metroid Prime 3
  • (1) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
  • (1) Super Smash Bros. Brawl
  • (1) Call of Duty: World at War

So it looks like I'm getting Disaster: Day of Crisis and Shaun White Snowboarding at the moment. Those games complement each other pretty well, but I'd appreciate some more opinions. I'd particularly appreciate reasons why I should pick up the games OkeyDokey suggested, as I feel he was hinting at the idea of those being major oversights.

Of those exact 4 I would choose GH and Shaun White since you have a balance board.

However, looking at your current Wii library, I would get Resident Evil 4 or Zack & Wiki & GH world tour all for $80.

Ok, some reasons:

I absolutely enjoyed Disaster. It's very arcadey, with huge replayability. The 3 gametypes (adventure, lightgun shooting and racing) complement each other pretty well. The story is cool (way over the top) and everything is presented in a cinematic way with lots of movies.
The shooting ranges are awesome.

Shaun White: Snowboard game with Balance Board. Don't need to say more.

I had the same with Brawl. Bought it, played for a few hours, never touched it again. MArio Kart on the other hand...
If you like adventures Okami, Metroid and Zelda are must haves.

Okeydokey suggest some great games. Twilight Princess and Metroid Prime 3 were the original reasons why I purchased my Wii.

You have to think about length here. Do you buy games like once every 3 months, or every 2nd week? That's pretty important.

Disaster lasts ~ 10 hours, but has decent/good replayability. Still, you won't be playing it a long time.

Metroid Prime 3 lasts ~ 15 hours, and has pretty little replayability.

Twilight Princess will last you ~ 60 hours.

Smash Bros single player lasts ~ 10 hours (but you may not like it, I do, but I'm in minority here on VGChartz), and you have ~ 20-30 hours more of unlockables and such easily. Great replayability on the single player.


If you haven't played a 3D Zelda, I highly recommend you do - they might be the best adventure games out there. There aren't a lot of puzzles in Twilight Princess (I think there are far too few, but I love puzzles), and you should breeze past most after tops 1-2 minutes of solid thinking.


But overall, if you don't like first person shooters, I wouldn't get an online FPS. That seems a bit stupid to me. MP3 is also pretty much a FPS (most call it FPA, but I feel MP3 didn't have the adventure MP2 did).


Semi Off topic: How good is Batallion Wars 2? Is there a lot of strategy involved? I love most of Intelligent System's games, but am not really into Advance wars (too easy to get stalmates) I'm wondering about whether I should get it or Okami (Okami is double the price)

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS