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You have to think about length here. Do you buy games like once every 3 months, or every 2nd week? That's pretty important.

Disaster lasts ~ 10 hours, but has decent/good replayability. Still, you won't be playing it a long time.

Metroid Prime 3 lasts ~ 15 hours, and has pretty little replayability.

Twilight Princess will last you ~ 60 hours.

Smash Bros single player lasts ~ 10 hours (but you may not like it, I do, but I'm in minority here on VGChartz), and you have ~ 20-30 hours more of unlockables and such easily. Great replayability on the single player.


If you haven't played a 3D Zelda, I highly recommend you do - they might be the best adventure games out there. There aren't a lot of puzzles in Twilight Princess (I think there are far too few, but I love puzzles), and you should breeze past most after tops 1-2 minutes of solid thinking.


But overall, if you don't like first person shooters, I wouldn't get an online FPS. That seems a bit stupid to me. MP3 is also pretty much a FPS (most call it FPA, but I feel MP3 didn't have the adventure MP2 did).


Semi Off topic: How good is Batallion Wars 2? Is there a lot of strategy involved? I love most of Intelligent System's games, but am not really into Advance wars (too easy to get stalmates) I'm wondering about whether I should get it or Okami (Okami is double the price)

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS