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Forums - Sony Discussion - Choose me a new PS3 game

So I've scraped together $60 and want a new PS3 game, however, I don't know which to choose. My choices are as follows (in no specific order):

Resistance 2
Motorstorm Pacific Rift
Metal Gear Solid 4
Soul Caliber 4

If I get R2, I'll have to get R1 so I'm not left out so I'm a little hesitant there. But I fear if I get Motorstorm 2 the only time I'll play it is when others are over (The original campaign was more challenging than enjoyable). I want to get MGS4 for it's beautiful looks however I have not played any other MGS game so I'm pretty sure I'll be completely lost (I'd probably be distracted by the beauty of the game anyways). And then I would like to try SC4  because I don't really have any multiplayer fighting games, aside from Def Jam Icon which is utter crap after the first 5 minutes.

Let the suggestions begin!

(I already own LBP)

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I vote the fifth option. Valkyria Chronicles :P


Well that pretty much rules out R2 and MGS4 unless you want to play them without knowing what the hells going on, so in my opinion between Motorstorm and SC4 I'd pick Motorstorm but I guess it all depends on what genre you prefer more. I'm sure there's more PS3 games you could get.

VC is excellent indeed, however, given your choices I would narrow it down to R2 and MGS4 with the latter being picked. Plus you could get it for ~45@amazon and have extra dough for a PSN game purchase. Game on.

MGS4. Just look at OkeyDokey. He disliked the first couple, never finished a single one, didn't know the story, yet absolutely LOVED MGS4.

Aside from LittleBigPlanet, it's easily the best game on the ps3.

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MGS4. Easily the best game Ive played this generation.

I'd agree with makingmusic476
I'd hardly ever played a MGS game except for part of the first one on PS1 and had no difficulty following the story.
loved the game too.
If you're concerned, you can also download the MGS database from PSN to get some of the backstory.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

why get 1 new one when you can get 3-5 older ones.


if you are definately set on picking up a new suggest motorstorm.

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

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you don't have MGS4 get i1!!111111

that next resistance 2.

From your list: Metal Gear Solid 4

Other games (if you don't have it already):

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

Or if you like Strategy RPGs

Disgaea 3
Valkyria Chronicles