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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Upcoming games from the big devs: Capcom Edition

im in the same position on RE5. after playing wit IR i cant stand the gamecube version

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


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Capcom's general lack of portable love sucks.

So you're willing to put in a rumor about Dead Rising and are assuming it's hitting multipl platforms, but you aren't willing to give the benefit of the doubt to the damn near certainty that Monster Hunter 3 is coming to the West? You really love painting the the Wii brown, dont you?

Please for the love of god do Sega next. I need to know how you'll be able to spin that negatively also.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

I still can't believe Capcom isn't bringing Street Fighter 4 to the Wii. I made a joke thread about it, and people were shocked, thinking it was the real thing, and now it is.

I mean, some chief from Capcom said they want to bring SF4 to every platform imaginable, and he even literaly said he wanted "Street Fighter 4 to be like the Wii", as in, anybody can play it and everybody wants to play it.

Also, Street Fighter sold best on the SNES - a Nintendo console, and it's still selling very well on the Virtual Console.

Yet, it isn't coming to the Wii... Boggles my mind.

Chrizum said:

Also, Street Fighter sold best on the SNES - a Nintendo console

In comparison to what? The late Genesis port that appeared after 15 or so months on the SNES and 4 months after the second version for SNES called Turbo? It sold best on SNES because that is what it appeared on. If Genesis got it first, then it probably would have outsold the SNES version.

As to why it's not on the Wii, it's probably one of two reasons, or both.

1. They don't want to work on adjusting the graphics for the Wii hadware.

2. The controls.

I'm not going to defend either decision. I'm just saying.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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Onyxmeth said:
Chrizum said:

Also, Street Fighter sold best on the SNES - a Nintendo console

In comparison to what? The late Genesis port that appeared after 15 or so months on the SNES and 4 months after the second version for SNES called Turbo? It sold best on SNES because that is what it appeared on. If Genesis got it first, then it probably would have outsold the SNES version.

As to why it's not on the Wii, it's probably one of two reasons, or both.

1. They don't want to work on adjusting the graphics for the Wii hadware.

2. The controls.

I'm not going to defend either decision. I'm just saying.


I'm just trying to say that a big part of the Nintendo fanbase has played Street Fighter on a Nintendo console. So it makes no sense for Capcom to not cater to that audience.


Chrizum said:
Onyxmeth said:
Chrizum said:

Also, Street Fighter sold best on the SNES - a Nintendo console

In comparison to what? The late Genesis port that appeared after 15 or so months on the SNES and 4 months after the second version for SNES called Turbo? It sold best on SNES because that is what it appeared on. If Genesis got it first, then it probably would have outsold the SNES version.

As to why it's not on the Wii, it's probably one of two reasons, or both.

1. They don't want to work on adjusting the graphics for the Wii hadware.

2. The controls.

I'm not going to defend either decision. I'm just saying.


I'm just trying to say that a big part of the Nintendo fanbase has played Street Fighter on a Nintendo console. So it makes no sense for Capcom to not cater to that audience.


You're talking about 16 years of seperation though, and a series that switched allegiances to Sega and Sony for years. You are also talking about a certain demographic that owned an SNES in the first place. How large a part of the Nintendo audience is really a former Street Fighter playing SNES owner needing another fix?

Also how much are the Street Fighter games selling on the Virtual Console? What is "well"? Did it sell half a million downloads?

What audience do you market this for on the Wii in regards to controls? Everybody at once like Mortal Kombat Armaggedon did? Gesture-based controls? Mandatory classic controller usage?

There is a built in fanbase for fighters on the HD consoles, so it's obvious that SFIV is going there. I suppose someone still needs to put heavy marketing muscle behind a Wii fighter to either aprove or disprove there is an audience there large enough. Please don't use Smash Bros. as an example. That's apples to oranges.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Onyxmeth said:
Chrizum said:
Onyxmeth said:
Chrizum said:

Also, Street Fighter sold best on the SNES - a Nintendo console

In comparison to what? The late Genesis port that appeared after 15 or so months on the SNES and 4 months after the second version for SNES called Turbo? It sold best on SNES because that is what it appeared on. If Genesis got it first, then it probably would have outsold the SNES version.

As to why it's not on the Wii, it's probably one of two reasons, or both.

1. They don't want to work on adjusting the graphics for the Wii hadware.

2. The controls.

I'm not going to defend either decision. I'm just saying.


I'm just trying to say that a big part of the Nintendo fanbase has played Street Fighter on a Nintendo console. So it makes no sense for Capcom to not cater to that audience.


You're talking about 16 years of seperation though, and a series that switched allegiances to Sega and Sony for years. You are also talking about a certain demographic that owned an SNES in the first place. How large a part of the Nintendo audience is really a former Street Fighter playing SNES owner needing another fix?

Also how much are the Street Fighter games selling on the Virtual Console? What is "well"? Did it sell half a million downloads?

What audience do you market this for on the Wii in regards to controls? Everybody at once like Mortal Kombat Armaggedon did? Gesture-based controls? Mandatory classic controller usage?

There is a built in fanbase for fighters on the HD consoles, so it's obvious that SFIV is going there. I suppose someone still needs to put heavy marketing muscle behind a Wii fighter to either aprove or disprove there is an audience there large enough. Please don't use Smash Bros. as an example. That's apples to oranges.


Check out VgChartz' own article here to see that Street Fighter 2 almost sold 160.000 times on the Virtual Console 5 months ago. Those are good sales, to say the least. It kind of proofs there is a substantial fanbase.

Control-wise, I really don't know. That's not for me to think about.

Yea it is surprising because brands get tied to other bands and it's fair to say that Street Fighter was tied to Nintendo after Street Fighter on the SNES. But I'm not so sure it will matter anymore now considering how long it's been since the last one. But it's got just as much of a shot on Wii as any other haha... well at least in theory but not in reality.

Chrizum said:
Onyxmeth said:
Chrizum said:
Onyxmeth said:
Chrizum said:

Also, Street Fighter sold best on the SNES - a Nintendo console

In comparison to what? The late Genesis port that appeared after 15 or so months on the SNES and 4 months after the second version for SNES called Turbo? It sold best on SNES because that is what it appeared on. If Genesis got it first, then it probably would have outsold the SNES version.

As to why it's not on the Wii, it's probably one of two reasons, or both.

1. They don't want to work on adjusting the graphics for the Wii hadware.

2. The controls.

I'm not going to defend either decision. I'm just saying.


I'm just trying to say that a big part of the Nintendo fanbase has played Street Fighter on a Nintendo console. So it makes no sense for Capcom to not cater to that audience.


You're talking about 16 years of seperation though, and a series that switched allegiances to Sega and Sony for years. You are also talking about a certain demographic that owned an SNES in the first place. How large a part of the Nintendo audience is really a former Street Fighter playing SNES owner needing another fix?

Also how much are the Street Fighter games selling on the Virtual Console? What is "well"? Did it sell half a million downloads?

What audience do you market this for on the Wii in regards to controls? Everybody at once like Mortal Kombat Armaggedon did? Gesture-based controls? Mandatory classic controller usage?

There is a built in fanbase for fighters on the HD consoles, so it's obvious that SFIV is going there. I suppose someone still needs to put heavy marketing muscle behind a Wii fighter to either aprove or disprove there is an audience there large enough. Please don't use Smash Bros. as an example. That's apples to oranges.


Check out VgChartz' own article here to see that Street Fighter 2 almost sold 160.000 times on the Virtual Console 5 months ago. Those are good sales, to say the least. It kind of proofs there is a substantial fanbase.

Control-wise, I really don't know. That's not for me to think about.

Well that's between two Street Fighter releases, some of which are duplicate sales for those wanting the Hyper updates. Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting for Xbox Live sold 450,000 downloads. Now I know the Wii data is not nearly as accurate as the 360's is, but it still shows a considerable difference in interest. Street Fighter also has a better shot at latching onto the Soul Calibur fanbase than the Smash Bros. one in my opinion.

I don't think it helps matters any that Capcom stopped releasing their Street Fighter games on Gamecube after Capcom vs. SNK(their first release) while keeping them on both PS2 and Xbox. Sales must not have been up to par.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.