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Chrizum said:
Onyxmeth said:
Chrizum said:

Also, Street Fighter sold best on the SNES - a Nintendo console

In comparison to what? The late Genesis port that appeared after 15 or so months on the SNES and 4 months after the second version for SNES called Turbo? It sold best on SNES because that is what it appeared on. If Genesis got it first, then it probably would have outsold the SNES version.

As to why it's not on the Wii, it's probably one of two reasons, or both.

1. They don't want to work on adjusting the graphics for the Wii hadware.

2. The controls.

I'm not going to defend either decision. I'm just saying.


I'm just trying to say that a big part of the Nintendo fanbase has played Street Fighter on a Nintendo console. So it makes no sense for Capcom to not cater to that audience.


You're talking about 16 years of seperation though, and a series that switched allegiances to Sega and Sony for years. You are also talking about a certain demographic that owned an SNES in the first place. How large a part of the Nintendo audience is really a former Street Fighter playing SNES owner needing another fix?

Also how much are the Street Fighter games selling on the Virtual Console? What is "well"? Did it sell half a million downloads?

What audience do you market this for on the Wii in regards to controls? Everybody at once like Mortal Kombat Armaggedon did? Gesture-based controls? Mandatory classic controller usage?

There is a built in fanbase for fighters on the HD consoles, so it's obvious that SFIV is going there. I suppose someone still needs to put heavy marketing muscle behind a Wii fighter to either aprove or disprove there is an audience there large enough. Please don't use Smash Bros. as an example. That's apples to oranges.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.