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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Upcoming games from the big devs: Capcom Edition

That list looks pretty good, there are at least a few games in there that I want myself! I actually think Street Fighter could be good too!
Res 5 is a given and Dead Rising 2 should be cool as well!

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MH3 and RE5 should bring in the dough for Capcom. SF4 should do well too but I don't know how much right now.

awseome HD line up by capcom.

RE5!!!!!! cant wait.

Yea I've already got the special edition of RE5 reserved on 360. Haha I mean it obviously doesn't show how much of an RE fan I am with my avatar haha.

All I care for is RE5 and Spyborgs. MH3 sounds awesome on paper but I always hesitate on big Japanese franchises I've never played.

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Soriku said:
The only game I'm interested in from Capcom in general is MH3. So, for me, not a problem. I don't care for RE or SF or BC or whatever.


Okay, okay, youknowwhattodononame, you've been trained for this mustnotpaniclifeatstake.

Step one: check the victim's pulse and breathing. Check!

Step two: verify that poster still has a soul...F***!

Step three: call your exorcist...


I know, I'm just teasing. More power to you.

Personally speaking, Capcom's putting together a pretty good lineup. Once RE5 and Dead Rising 2 arrive for the PC, I'll be pleased as punch.

I would love to play RE5 especially as a RE fan lack of HD console will hurt me, yet there is no way i will buy 360 for one game. I hope Dead Rising: Wii turns out to be at least decent.

japanese companies will own my money next year :/...

i better start looking for a job or dry my "360" bank save.

Lolcislaw said:
I would love to play RE5 especially as a RE fan lack of HD console will hurt me, yet there is no way i will buy 360 for one game. I hope Dead Rising: Wii turns out to be at least decent.

So you're saying that of the hundreds of games on the 360, Resident Evil 5 is the only one you would buy? Looking at your Wii collection alone, you have bought dozens of games of entirely different genres. So you really can't think of more than one game on the 360 you'd want? It's just that I hear this all the time and it confuses me.