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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Rare: Our future products will "surprise" people


That was definitely interesting...! LOL

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MrBubbles said:
JaggedSac said:
dougsdad0629 said:
MrBubbles said:
dougsdad0629 said:
Well, let's see. They screwed with Banjo and turned it from a AAA platformer to a vehicle building crapfest. I'm guessing their next "surprise" will be that Killer Instinct 3 will, in fact, be some sort of dating simulation. Can't wait to bang Orchid!


Have you played the new Banjo?


 I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole.  I've read enough hands-on reviews and previews as well as watched enough videos to know that I would absolutely HATE this game.

LOL.  I love people that have opinions about things they have yet to experience.  Worthless posts from this guy.


Completely agree with you.


So following this logic, I can`t be a heterosexual male until I have several homosexual experiences (considering one might not be enough to make a solid opinion).

Wow, I never tried looking at things this way. I have been missing so many stuff that I never tried before -incest, coprophagia, zoophilia, self immolation, rape, murder, drug addiction, canibalism. For example, I never tried eating shit because it smelled awful and looked repulsive. Even so, it may taste great (I will never know until I try).

I wanted to avoid BK N&B because it is built on every concept I loathed and hated in the series: repetitive chores that make it feel like work, collect-a-thon based gameplay, artificial methods to extend gameplay time, boring minigames, jokes and references that are there just for the development team sake. Oh no, I can`t dislike the game until I play it. I can`t even dislike the game until I have played it, finished it and collected every useless item. And even if I hate it, someone will just tell me it is my "opinion" (avoiding any kind of rational discussion).

Whatever, I don`t care anymore. I have seem several series I loved turning into shit and eventually dying. Banjo-Kazooie is not the first and won`t be the last. Time to move on.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

Yea Nuts and Bolts surprised me. Ya know how you could take one of the greatest platformers ever and turn it well into that. So obviously I await more surprises haha.

As long as they stick to new IPs I'll have no complaints. Otherwise they are setting me up for constant bitching about them and the old properties.

I don't see why people defend Rare and MS in this matter.

It's not as though N&B is a bad game, it clearly isn't judging by the reviews. But when you compare it to the excellence that the original Banjo games were, it just doesn't hold up.

It's clear that Rare isn't what they used to be and people really loved what Rare used to be, which is why so many people are upset over their recent (and future) games.

It's a lot like Family guy, the older episodes were pretty good, but the new episodes are god awful baby-killing atrocities.

As in go buy us some coffee.

I hope they make another Banjo Kazooie where you venture and explore beyond showdown town, yo can see a country side et in LOG's real world, and a game that copies and puts a twist on Little King's Story would be excellent, because that game is looking good but likely to flop so no one will notice anyway if they steal some of their ideas.

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ItsaMii said:


So following this logic, I can`t be a heterosexual male until I have several homosexual experiences (considering one might not be enough to make a solid opinion).

Wow, I never tried looking at things this way. I have been missing so many stuff that I never tried before -incest, coprophagia, zoophilia, self immolation, rape, murder, drug addiction, canibalism. For example, I never tried eating shit because it smelled awful and looked repulsive. Even so, it may taste great (I will never know until I try).

I wanted to avoid BK N&B because it is built on every concept I loathed and hated in the series: repetitive chores that make it feel like work, collect-a-thon based gameplay, artificial methods to extend gameplay time, boring minigames, jokes and references that are there just for the development team sake. Oh no, I can`t dislike the game until I play it. I can`t even dislike the game until I have played it, finished it and collected every useless item. And even if I hate it, someone will just tell me it is my "opinion" (avoiding any kind of rational discussion).

Whatever, I don`t care anymore. I have seem several series I loved turning into shit and eventually dying. Banjo-Kazooie is not the first and won`t be the last. Time to move on.


You are correct, you cannot say that shit tastes bad until you try it.  You can be a heterosexual male without having several homosexual experiences.  But you cannot say that being homosexual is not as good as being heterosexual because you have nothing to base a comparison.  I cannot say that Aliens  is not as good as Alien until I have seen it.  Otherwise it is completely worthless to throw my opinion out there.

You might like rape(could be more enjoyable than consented sex, but morally and legally wrong), although you could only try self immolation once, so you couldn't tell us if you enjoyed it or not.

And how can you have loved the Banjo series when you hate everything about them, and yes, you hate things that comprise 95% of all the Banjo games.

Zucas said:
Yea Nuts and Bolts surprised me. Ya know how you could take one of the greatest platformers ever and turn it well into that. So obviously I await more surprises haha.

As long as they stick to new IPs I'll have no complaints. Otherwise they are setting me up for constant bitching about them and the old properties.


 My point precisely.  If the gameplay of Nuts and Bolts had been introduced as its own new IP, I'd have no complaints.  Messing with one of my favorite franchises, I'll complain until I'm blue in the face.

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.

Gobias said:

I don't see why people defend Rare and MS in this matter.

It's not as though N&B is a bad game, it clearly isn't judging by the reviews. But when you compare it to the excellence that the original Banjo games were, it just doesn't hold up.

It's clear that Rare isn't what they used to be and people really loved what Rare used to be, which is why so many people are upset over their recent (and future) games.

It's a lot like Family guy, the older episodes were pretty good, but the new episodes are god awful baby-killing atrocities.


 I'll fight you on that (off-topic) point.  I love Family Guy just as much now as when it first debuted and I was one of the few people watching.  Sure it has some stinker episodes, but what show doesn't?  The Simpsons, on the other hand, has become practically unwatchable for me, but that's for a different discussion board.

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.

How about any of you that believe BK was a slapped on name try the game yourself before you say they forced Banjo into this game to try and milk the name. I'm pretty sure Rare had reasons for making BK Nuts and Bolts a BK game instead of a new IP.

Anyone that thinks Rare of all companies is afraid to put out a new IP must be extremely ignorant. Rare creates more new IPs than most gaming devs in the last 10 years. Jet Force Gemini- a new IP, Star Fox Adventures itself was supposed to be a new IP called Dinosaur Planet, Conkers Bad Fur Day, Grabbed by the Ghoulies, Viva Pinata, Kameo, etc. If Rare felt that BK Nuts and Bolts would work as a different IP I'm pretty sure they would've done it.

Having played the game myself I can say it would be odd for this game to take place anywhere else besides the Banjo universe. Not to mention I'm pretty sure Rare themselves wouldn't want to milk the name as they were upset enough to leave Nintendo for changing their game to Star Fox Adventures.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

Viva Pinata was a glorious game overlooked by the average gamer as It has sold nearly 1.50 million copies but that's largely thanks to the European market and some quick price drops. I know Microsoft had HUGE expectations for sales in that with It's paired cartoons but that wasn't the case.

Viva Pinata 2 is more of the same and it seems most people aren't willing to fork over $39.99 for a solid product because of that unfortunately. It's got some legs but it looks like it will sell a bit less then It's original.

Perfect Dark put me to sleep, and Banjoo failed to impress me with the demo. Kameo was OK, but not something I wanted to spend more then $10 on anyways.

IMHO, and remember this is IMHO, Rare has not put out anything near AAA outside of VP for the 360 which is a shame for all the money Microsoft paid for them. They should be putting out AAA titles or better. Viva Pinata will probably be the only series I support outside of when Banjo hits $10.

Game ranking's overall ratings seem to agree with me on that to.

Viva Pinata 85.5%
VP2: Trouble In Paradise 82.7%
Perfect Dark Zero 81.4%
Kameo 80.9%
Banjo 78.1%


Original XBox

Conker 79.0%
Grabbed by the Ghoulies 70.0%


Step your game up Rare or the critics will continue to be harsh.

It's just that simple.