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Viva Pinata was a glorious game overlooked by the average gamer as It has sold nearly 1.50 million copies but that's largely thanks to the European market and some quick price drops. I know Microsoft had HUGE expectations for sales in that with It's paired cartoons but that wasn't the case.

Viva Pinata 2 is more of the same and it seems most people aren't willing to fork over $39.99 for a solid product because of that unfortunately. It's got some legs but it looks like it will sell a bit less then It's original.

Perfect Dark put me to sleep, and Banjoo failed to impress me with the demo. Kameo was OK, but not something I wanted to spend more then $10 on anyways.

IMHO, and remember this is IMHO, Rare has not put out anything near AAA outside of VP for the 360 which is a shame for all the money Microsoft paid for them. They should be putting out AAA titles or better. Viva Pinata will probably be the only series I support outside of when Banjo hits $10.

Game ranking's overall ratings seem to agree with me on that to.

Viva Pinata 85.5%
VP2: Trouble In Paradise 82.7%
Perfect Dark Zero 81.4%
Kameo 80.9%
Banjo 78.1%


Original XBox

Conker 79.0%
Grabbed by the Ghoulies 70.0%


Step your game up Rare or the critics will continue to be harsh.

It's just that simple.