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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Banjo Nuts and Bolts is Great!!

Damn, after this thread I definitely need to get this soon.

Got an HDtv so the text shouldn't be a problem.

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EaglesEye379 said:
Im on the fence purely because of the demo (how long did it take you to get used to that awful driving physics?) and also because I have 6 games I will be playing concurrently this holiday.

But your testimony is intriguing...

I never had much of a problem with the driving physics, the only thing somewhat hard to get used to is the sticky acceleration (you know when your in a car, you push the accel down and it feels kinda sticky).I guess my only other gripe about controls are that helicopter controls are hard to do, however I also believe that's probably because I haven't designed the helicopter to be weighted correctly. Also until I had gotten spoilers for the car it was hard to keep the car from flying around.

I found if something was wrong, than it was probably an issue with my vehicle design. If a certain jiggy stage is hard than I probably need to be more creative on how I want to complete it. My most recent daily driver vehicle handles extremely well and once I get foldable wings I will transform it into a bat mobile (that can fly!), if anyone wants a blueprint, feel free to ask.

It seems many people believe this game to be a racing game, I guess in terms of it's multiplayer (I haven't tried the multiplayer yet) it could be, but at the core the game's jiggy missions are hardly ever races. There's probably 1 racing mission every other level. I have around 40 jiggies, and about 5-6 of them are from racing missions. Most of the game requires you to complete creative and fun tasks. For example one of them involves you deliverying pizzas in a coliseum, another is how many dominoes you can knock over, another task involves protecting an egg statue, and other fun ones include how far you can move a ball. The great part about any of these missions is most people will do them differently!

Also once I get to play again wednesday I'm planning on trying to design a vehicle that can ride up walls, I'm not sure if it's doable but I'll try and than I'll try making a cool bike too, and once I get enough spoilers I'll make a vehicle that handles extremely well by putting spoilers on 3 sides of the vehicle to keep it stuck to the ground.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

I enjoyed the demo. Will purchase later.

I'm really enjoying the humor in the game as well. The very first part of the game had several lol moments.

I haven't had a problem with the controls. The problem with the demo I thought was it was pretty limited in what you start with. I've only gotten past the first couple stages and I've already created a few interesting vehicles. I've had some crappy controlling ones too but usually some tweaks of the body style and repositioning of parts go a long way.

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection
jasonnc80 said:
I'm really enjoying the humor in the game as well. The very first part of the game had several lol moments.

I haven't had a problem with the controls. The problem with the demo I thought was it was pretty limited in what you start with. I've only gotten past the first couple stages and I've already created a few interesting vehicles. I've had some crappy controlling ones too but usually some tweaks of the body style and repositioning of parts go a long way.


I tried creating a 3 wheeled vehicle with the parts available in the demo and it was complete bollocks.  As well it should be as 3 wheeled vehicles are usually rubbish.

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Grahamhsu said:
EaglesEye379 said:
Im on the fence purely because of the demo (how long did it take you to get used to that awful driving physics?) and also because I have 6 games I will be playing concurrently this holiday.

But your testimony is intriguing...

I never had much of a problem with the driving physics, the only thing somewhat hard to get used to is the sticky acceleration (you know when your in a car, you push the accel down and it feels kinda sticky).I guess my only other gripe about controls are that helicopter controls are hard to do, however I also believe that's probably because I haven't designed the helicopter to be weighted correctly. Also until I had gotten spoilers for the car it was hard to keep the car from flying around.

I found if something was wrong, than it was probably an issue with my vehicle design. If a certain jiggy stage is hard than I probably need to be more creative on how I want to complete it. My most recent daily driver vehicle handles extremely well and once I get foldable wings I will transform it into a bat mobile (that can fly!), if anyone wants a blueprint, feel free to ask.

It seems many people believe this game to be a racing game, I guess in terms of it's multiplayer (I haven't tried the multiplayer yet) it could be, but at the core the game's jiggy missions are hardly ever races. There's probably 1 racing mission every other level. I have around 40 jiggies, and about 5-6 of them are from racing missions. Most of the game requires you to complete creative and fun tasks. For example one of them involves you deliverying pizzas in a coliseum, another is how many dominoes you can knock over, another task involves protecting an egg statue, and other fun ones include how far you can move a ball. The great part about any of these missions is most people will do them differently!

Also once I get to play again wednesday I'm planning on trying to design a vehicle that can ride up walls, I'm not sure if it's doable but I'll try and than I'll try making a cool bike too, and once I get enough spoilers I'll make a vehicle that handles extremely well by putting spoilers on 3 sides of the vehicle to keep it stuck to the ground.

Damn, now I really need to get this game soon, sounds fun...


I haven't played it long yet, but I am finding it very fun as well. I think it deserves better scores then it is getting. To boot, I pre-ordered and got the original Banjo Kazooie for free. I am new to the Banjo world and I am a convert.

JaggedSac said:
jasonnc80 said:
I'm really enjoying the humor in the game as well. The very first part of the game had several lol moments.

I haven't had a problem with the controls. The problem with the demo I thought was it was pretty limited in what you start with. I've only gotten past the first couple stages and I've already created a few interesting vehicles. I've had some crappy controlling ones too but usually some tweaks of the body style and repositioning of parts go a long way.


I tried creating a 3 wheeled vehicle with the parts available in the demo and it was complete bollocks.  As well it should be as 3 wheeled vehicles are usually rubbish.

I haven't tried a 3-wheeled vehicle yet because I'm waiting on some better wheels.  The stock wheels aren't very good for grip so would imagine you're right about one from the demo sucking lol.

It's pretty fun just toying around in the garage building stuff and trying it out.


Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection

I made a pretty cool flying machine though. I need to get the game so I can tinker around with it.

OK, I spent some quality time with Banjo N&B today.

Once you understand what they did this game is great. I tried it a few days earlier and saw potential, but after about an hour of impatience, I put it to the side for CoD. After getting a bit annoyed with the things I get annoyed with in CoD, I went back to try some more. Now, I may not go back to CoD for a while.

When, I first tried Banjo N&B I liked its feel but I didn't like the vehicle handling, but now that I have better vehicle parts it is way better. Then, I was frustrated with building a vehicle and discovered that this was based on not knowing about layers and all of a sudden vehicle construction is fun. Finally, I thought the game seemed shallow, but as I have gotten farther it is getting deeper and deeper. I wish Rare would have spent a bit more of the early part of the game training you on it. Now, that I fought my way through the (what turned out to be minor) frustrations up front this game is really enjoyable.