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Grahamhsu said:
EaglesEye379 said:
Im on the fence purely because of the demo (how long did it take you to get used to that awful driving physics?) and also because I have 6 games I will be playing concurrently this holiday.

But your testimony is intriguing...

I never had much of a problem with the driving physics, the only thing somewhat hard to get used to is the sticky acceleration (you know when your in a car, you push the accel down and it feels kinda sticky).I guess my only other gripe about controls are that helicopter controls are hard to do, however I also believe that's probably because I haven't designed the helicopter to be weighted correctly. Also until I had gotten spoilers for the car it was hard to keep the car from flying around.

I found if something was wrong, than it was probably an issue with my vehicle design. If a certain jiggy stage is hard than I probably need to be more creative on how I want to complete it. My most recent daily driver vehicle handles extremely well and once I get foldable wings I will transform it into a bat mobile (that can fly!), if anyone wants a blueprint, feel free to ask.

It seems many people believe this game to be a racing game, I guess in terms of it's multiplayer (I haven't tried the multiplayer yet) it could be, but at the core the game's jiggy missions are hardly ever races. There's probably 1 racing mission every other level. I have around 40 jiggies, and about 5-6 of them are from racing missions. Most of the game requires you to complete creative and fun tasks. For example one of them involves you deliverying pizzas in a coliseum, another is how many dominoes you can knock over, another task involves protecting an egg statue, and other fun ones include how far you can move a ball. The great part about any of these missions is most people will do them differently!

Also once I get to play again wednesday I'm planning on trying to design a vehicle that can ride up walls, I'm not sure if it's doable but I'll try and than I'll try making a cool bike too, and once I get enough spoilers I'll make a vehicle that handles extremely well by putting spoilers on 3 sides of the vehicle to keep it stuck to the ground.

Damn, now I really need to get this game soon, sounds fun...