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OK, I spent some quality time with Banjo N&B today.

Once you understand what they did this game is great. I tried it a few days earlier and saw potential, but after about an hour of impatience, I put it to the side for CoD. After getting a bit annoyed with the things I get annoyed with in CoD, I went back to try some more. Now, I may not go back to CoD for a while.

When, I first tried Banjo N&B I liked its feel but I didn't like the vehicle handling, but now that I have better vehicle parts it is way better. Then, I was frustrated with building a vehicle and discovered that this was based on not knowing about layers and all of a sudden vehicle construction is fun. Finally, I thought the game seemed shallow, but as I have gotten farther it is getting deeper and deeper. I wish Rare would have spent a bit more of the early part of the game training you on it. Now, that I fought my way through the (what turned out to be minor) frustrations up front this game is really enjoyable.