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Tools of Destruction and LBP on the PS3.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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Phoenix_Wiight said:
Zim said:
SmokedHostage you didn't address my point about PoP and mirrors edge. Surely they are a more advanced form of platformer. Try them and see.

As to Phoenix_Wiight that's a pretty ignorant statement calling bioshock, mercenaries 2, far cry 2 and dead space the same thing. If you had played any of them you would know why. Mercenaries 2 and bioshock couldn't be more different. Firstly the basic differences, story, core gameplay.

Your statement ''a completley different world, feeling, style of play, and fun to them.'' makes it incredibly confusing as well. Shooters are all set in a different world. It would be insane to say Mercenaries 2's huge open world sunny jungle and cities is the same as Bioshocks underwater sinking 1950's deco city, or dead spaces deserted mining ship. In fact surely there is FAR more variety in shooters.

Platformers? Fire world, ice world, grass world, castle themed level.

Shooters also have different feelings. Shooting in Dead space is nothing like in mercenaries 2. Mercenaries 2 aiming is more floaty and precision is less important, just spray away. Dead space you better damn well change the cutter from a horizontal line to a vertical line to take off that slashers arm. Miss placed a shot? Yea now the enemy is actually harder to kill.

Style of play? Far cry 2 set the grass on fire around a camp, then fire explosives in. Dead space back into a corner and start aiming carefully. Mercenaries 2 run in firing like a mad man, steal a tank, fire like a mad man in a tank.

Also all those 4 shooters are very fun. Bioshock has an incredible atmosphere, interesting story, interesting use of plasmids. Dead space has a cool story, great atmosphere, interesting shooting mechanics etc.


no, I'm sorry, Bioshock seemed really dull to me. I felt like I've played that game before (and I haven't.) It was good, 8.5/10 IMO, no more. The atmosphere was cool, but it wasn't THAT special. The story was cool but it wasn't told very well. Dead Space seemed like the same game to me.

The AI was brilliant though, you have to admit. Injured enemies go to get healed, enemies on fire run to water (and then get zapped by my Electro Bolt *pewpew*)

From best to worst,

1) BioShock

2) Dead Space

3) Far Cry 2

4) A piece of chicken

5) Mercenaries 2: World in Flames (Airstrikes 2: Hooray for Airstrikes)

None of those games have ANYTHING in common. Dead Space and BioShock were completely different. Dead Space was on a spaceship in the future, BioShock in an underwater city in the past. Dead Space was third person, BioShock first person. They're about as similar as Gears of War and Halo.

Far Cry 2 was an FPS, but an entirely different FPS. An open world FPS. With a much larger focus on shooting than BioShock, which evens it out between shooting and plasmids.

And chicken is delicious.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

If ya had a PS3, LBP fit's that role perfectly, but since you could careless about it then well, yeah...platformers had gone south for the ever.

Check Mushroom Men

 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.

Well Mushroom Men is interesting. Maybe the DS version will do some things better than the 3d Wii version

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