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Forums - Sony Discussion - LBP the first nex-gen game

Hahahahahaha, are you kidding me?

I'm studying to be an electrical engineer, I know what an FSM you retard. Also, I've already designed calculators in my classes, and that's why the LBP level is crap. A calulcator is nothing fancy. Just simple logic devices connected to hold calculated values. The thing about them is they just have a lot of individual pieces to them. That does not make it complex. I know the average PS3 gamer experiences sensory overload when they see more than 4 things happening on screen at once but that doesn't make the calculator level any cooler.

Everyday I'm hustlin'.


Wii and DS owner.

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radha said: 

you are saying the same that everyone that has not played says , you guys think is only  lvl editor but in LBP you can create elements too like in  Banjoo is latest game but no limited to cars. Can you, for example, create a new vehicle in UT3??? i can make a robot in LBP.  Have to seen the last 2 boss fight on LBP??? there are some poeple creatin amazing lvls already and also cool bosses.


I think the Best lvl editor ever made is the one on WC 3(look at dota), but anyway LBP is more simple and you can do more complex things than with the WC3 edit.

 I am not overly familiar with what you can do with Unreal 3. Warcraft 3 allows you to do that and much much more though. There is almost no limit to what can be made with it, and it was out a long time ago. I played a map of Warcraft 3 that recreated Everquest. Another that recreated World of Warcraft. Right down to the 3D interactive playing field which is (I believe so correct me if I am wrong) outside of what Little Big Planet allows.

 I am not saying it is a bad game, or that it isn't very complex. I am saying its not the first of its kind and not some second coming of Jesus for games. I don't know why so many refuse to see this.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

i understand what u coming from but no i will say for the PS3 it is Uncharted.

DKHustlin said:

Hahahahahaha, are you kidding me?

I'm studying to be an electrical engineer, I know what an FSM you retard. Also, I've already designed calculators in my classes, and that's why the LBP level is crap. A calulcator is nothing fancy. Just simple logic devices connected to hold calculated values. The thing about them is they just have a lot of individual pieces to them. That does not make it complex. I know the average PS3 gamer experiences sensory overload when they see more than 4 things happening on screen at once but that doesn't make the calculator level any cooler.

ok i already graduated and have done many projects and am CTO at my company. Anyway try to make calculator without electronic devices just with mecanical objects and you will see way pascal is a genius.


dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

The Wii gets alot of credit for being innovative, while motion sensing was already around for a good number of years.

And c'mon to be honest the Wii hasnt showed anything trully innovatibe(yet).

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I want to add i dont agree with the OP but LBP should not be trivialized

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

NJ5 said:


I love you.


Also the calculator level is very interesting and cool, as is the entire of LBP. It is however not the first next-gen game. Little Big Planet is extremely interesting and innovative - the editor is much more powerful and simple than most out there.

However the first next-gen game is going to be released with the first next gen console/handheld. I'm guessing whatever games the DS2 launches with.

its something i have never experience before.

i play videos games since over 14 years ago.

hands down one of the best games i have played (i am playing this gen)

i made bunch of friends playing online, and i play with College friends and they love it!

simply awesome addictive game.


Support good third party games on wii. Buy games like house of the dead overkill, de blob, madworld, the conduit and boom blox.

Alot of banned users in this thread..

