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DKHustlin said:

Hahahahahaha, are you kidding me?

I'm studying to be an electrical engineer, I know what an FSM you retard. Also, I've already designed calculators in my classes, and that's why the LBP level is crap. A calulcator is nothing fancy. Just simple logic devices connected to hold calculated values. The thing about them is they just have a lot of individual pieces to them. That does not make it complex. I know the average PS3 gamer experiences sensory overload when they see more than 4 things happening on screen at once but that doesn't make the calculator level any cooler.

ok i already graduated and have done many projects and am CTO at my company. Anyway try to make calculator without electronic devices just with mecanical objects and you will see way pascal is a genius.


dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!