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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Killzone 2 beta,the best game ever

If gamers didn't have low standards then how do you explain imdb top 100 being comprised of far more serious and better written movies compared to gamerankings top 50 which is comprised of many more games without any value besides being fun.

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yeh i hear this game is amazing, but i don't want 2 gnix it so i just say lets just wait and see

DTG said:
If gamers didn't have low standards then how do you explain imdb top 100 being comprised of far more serious and better written movies compared to gamerankings top 50 which is comprised of many more games without any value besides being fun.


 A mature medium that has existed for a century and a half perhaps?

Movies compared to videogames have existed for a long time and early movies consisted of crap like a horse walking(whoa look at it, its a horse and its WALKING) and stuff like that.

In videogames we are past that point and we are now at the point where movies were taking away vaudeville audiences with stupid common denominator escapist shit.

The deeper stuff will come(we already have some and no it is not called MGS).


Also, we gamers really like to blow up virtual shit and make it go BOOM.

DTG said:
If gamers didn't have low standards then how do you explain imdb top 100 being comprised of far more serious and better written movies compared to gamerankings top 50 which is comprised of many more games without any value besides being fun.

How can you begin to compare a very old industry to the game industry which is just catching it's stride.

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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@DTG, the movies in imdb top 100 are judged for their stories, because story/plot are the heart of the movie, games are completely different, games above all else must have basic gameplay, graphics and music, story is also important but its not the main attraction of a game.

because of that a game like Super mario galaxy can be in the top five of best games ever with basic story but great gameplay, music and graphics.

i cant believe i actully explained this to you, you will probably still think Story >>>>>> everything else.

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434
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Cougarman said:

@DTG, the movies in imdb top 100 are judged for their stories, because story/plot are the heart of the movie, games are completely different, games above all else must have basic gameplay, graphics and music, story is also important but its not the main attraction of a game.

because of that a game like Super mario galaxy can be in the top five of best games ever with basic story but great gameplay, music and graphics.

i cant believe i actully explained this to you, you will probably still think Story >>>>>> everything else.


 Ask him about MGS and Kojima and how they compare to the great philosophers, Ghandi, Lenin and Hitler.


I dare you to ask him.

^ i don't need to ask him, sadly i have read almost every post he made, they entertain me

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

hillzone 2 the best

konnichiwa said:
Uncharted the best ever, GTAIV the best ever, MGS4 the best ever, Little Big Planet Best ever, Killzone 2 the best ever..... Sjeez guys make up your mind!

Yeah this generation has a lot of the best games ever


CGI-Quality said:
disolitude said:
This is the reason why ps3 usually = dissapointment these days.

Too much hype from fanboys for every game that is coming out...

For those that keep count, Killzone 2 is the best game ever for the ps3 #32.

When making these threads, saying... "its a really good game, try it out" is much more effective when it comes to people taking your opinion seriously...and not "BESTEST GAME EVA!"...


Every console at every corner of the world has a game/games that their respective userbase hypes, why are you singling out the PS3. LBP, MGS4, Resistance 2, Uncharted - I think these are some examples of "hyped...lived up to the on PS3. Gears of War 1/2, Fable 2, Halo 3, these are examples of games, that I believe, did the same for the 360. So stop singling out PS3 and it's fans because every console has it's users that do the same thing. For instance (besides PS3 and Xbox 360) - SSBB: Wii, RE4: Gamecube, FFXII: PS2 and so on and so on...


 True but none of those games were touted as THE ONE that would DESTROY the competition.


With the PS3 we so far have had Motorstorm, Resistance, Ratchet and Clank, Heavenly Storm, LAIR, Unchartered, DMC4(funny how that one ended up on the 360 in non inferior format) MGS4, LBP(I am sure I am forgetting a few here) and they all came and went and NOTHING changed.

And now we have Killzone 2 which some people again do the exact same thing with.

Yeah MS and Wii fans hyped some stuff to mythical proportions as well but guess what none of em ever claimed those games would bury the competition once and for all.