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Forums - Sony Discussion - Happy Birthday PlayStation 3!

I've has mine for 2.4 years...this is old to me...

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It felt a bit like a premature birth (software catching up with its most excellent technology), but happy birthday anyway! Still 5 more months to go for the PS3's second European birthday and it's still to launch for some regions.

The PS3 (and HDTVs) allowed me to be genuinely enthusiastic about consoles again.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Happy birthday.


Happy Birthday PS3 in NA, it was days ago in Japan and in 5 months it will be in Europe...

Toast, toast, toast, toast:

It's now the beginning of the 3rd year, here's to a price cut, the release of more great titles, Home, and hopefully the announcements we're waiting for...


Happy birthday PS3 !... mine will be a year sometime in December :P..

To one of the the best consoles ever made :D

Check out my game about moles ^

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Wait wasn't ps3 released on novemeber 17 not North America


happy birthday indeed. we've shared alot of memories together. i will never lose you or let any harm be done to you, sniff sniff.





Mine will be a year old in January.

happy birthday,,,,mine will be one yea old in 3 weeks




well im officialy a ps3 owner (well it hasnt arived yet) i ordered the gun metal (gear) one!