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Forums - Sony Discussion - Where can I get the Killzone 2 beta?

I can't take it anymore! I am addicted to the game so much! Does anybody know? I am so confused. I need to play this game.


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If u find out let me know.


We all need keys

All keys have gone out, as far as I am aware. The beta's ending in just a few weeks.

@makingmusic476, is there going to be a demo? I wanted to play this game so badly. I can't believe I have to wait until February.


Around the Network

I want in too... even if it's only going to be up for another few weeks...

4 ≈ One

My friend let me into his account, OH MY F#CKING GOD

THE GRAPHICS ARE ...............................lets just say they make Uncharted look like a ps2 game.



gameplay is almost exactly the same as cod4, which isnt a bad thing, and the way the gun moves is so realistc, add ot that its so SMOOTH, the frames per secound have to be more than 30, it feels as if its smoother than cod4, not to mention this is running ONLINE



@ leo-j

Well, CoD4 was at 60 frames, so I don't know how it could be running smoother than that. >_>

Speaking as a beta member, the game is full of win. The best time of my life playing the game. I think I'm going to log a few more hours in tonight. Too much win is in the game.

KZ2 is the greatest improved sequel evar, just according to multi-player. Never has a sequel blown it's predecessor out of the water. And it gives hope to any game that has a horrible first showing, that the sequel can be above and beyond anything the original hoped and dreamed. If the first game is turning anyone off of the game, let it be known right now, this is a billion times better than that is. Period.

Dmeister has a ps3.. interesting lol

