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Forums - Sales Discussion - 360 sales up! Ps3 sales down! (from last year) Worlwide.

BengaBenga said:
Ries-art said:
Sony in big trouble? hahaha
Sony is working very hard to get the best exclusive software. With games like Killzone 2, Heavy Rain, Gran Turismo 5, God of War 3, Infamous etc.. they have a great line-up, which will use the PS3's power. Then people will see why it's so much better than 360.
At the end of next year 360 will be in big trouble!


2007 2008 2009 Year of the PS3 confirmed



Lolll, bengabenga 2009 belongs to the ps3 trust me, all the ps3 needs is a price cut. The 360 is half the price yet still the ps3 is competing, brand name is everything! hoe gaat het?


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halil23 said:

Pointless thread.

Can the mods please lock this.



Your sig is a troll...

megaman2 said:

Lolll, bengabenga 2009 belongs to the ps3 trust me, all the ps3 needs is a price cut.

And exactly this might be their main problem. The PS-3 is only to a part a game console, on the other hand it is a BluRay player. If they lower the price of the console, they lower also the price of their player. I don't know if you realized it: They are also producing Stand Alone BluRay players. What do you think how this department will react?

It is quite fascinating, but different departments can be enemies! I would say if they want to lower their prices and they would make even a loss of one dollar, their stand alone department will do everything possible to prevent this, even if it qould mean a heavy blow for the whole PS-3 project!

Hardware manufacturers are leaving the BluRay, because they can't develop at these prices (or why do you think Samsung stated that BluRay was only a short time investment and that they give BluRay 5 years?). Such a step might be the last step for BluRay from Panasonic and Pioneer too! And this would be a dramatic blow to BluRay if everything depends on a game cinsole and the whole project has no longer ANY support in the Hardware industry.

You think too small if you only look at the PS-3 and its position in the gaming market. Exactly this is the major problem for such projects.

halil23 said:

Pointless thread.

Can the mods please lock this.

Oh shut up. If you have nothing interesting to say, just turn your PC off and leave the room. Explain to the OP why he is wrong, not just say something provokative.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Sony is not worried:

Sept was 5 weeks/Oct 4 weeks.

PS3 Sept 238k or 47.6/week
PS3 Oct 190k or 47.5/week

360 Sept 347 or 69.4/week
360 Oct 371 or 92.7/week

So... in the face of huge Xbox discounts the PS3 continued to sell at the same pace as before... maybe SONY sees this as a reason to not panic? The above numbers are a little off as it wasn't EXACTLY 5 weeks and 4 weeks but the following chart will explain:

Year over year SONY's October sales went from 121k in 2007 to 190k in 2008... this is a larger percentage year over year increase than the 360 that moved 366k in 2007 and 371k in 2008.

So..although we are seeing a short term bump in the trend for the 360... year over year the price cut has only marginally bumped sales while SONY's sales are still accelerating year over year.

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kars said:
megaman2 said:

Hardware manufacturers are leaving the BluRay, because they can't develop at these prices

Source, please (particularly since I see more and more standalone players appearing on shop shelves..)


What will harm PS3 year over year sales growth in 2008.

No price reduction in 2008 on the PS3.
Blu-Ray players available as cheap as $179.99 for the Christmas season.
360 price reduced $80 on Arcade and Pro.
Economy makes it hard for people to justify spending $400 in one shot when they have an alternative costing $200.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

halil23 said:
toastboy44562 said:
halil23 said:

Pointless thread.

Can the mods please lock this.


Your sig is a troll...

Haha! This is the troll that PM me to say my GT4 sig is pathetic, when it a fact! good boy keep calling other people a troll when you're the biggest troll.

And Oyvoyvoyv....WTF! You're widely regard as the most annoying troll! You're telling me to shut about QFT Sony hater! Why should I explain it when it obvious that toaster is a troll, he only create Sony hating/troll thread and xbox praising thread, you got to be blind not seeing the problem. So Oyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo it better for you to turn off the PC, it bad for you're health!

BTW why isn't this pathetic/useless thread locked yet, are the credible mods on vacation or something!!!

I'm gonna give you a change to edit that before you are banned (or at the very least warned) for personal attack.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

kber81 said:
toastboy44562 said:

sony needs to get their act together.


... or what? PS3 sells great if we consider its price. Sure 360 goes a bit higher right now but c'mon... it means nothing. Sony still keeps 1 million lead as for this year. People should quit all this doom and gloom threads. There won't be any dreamcast  analogy this gen. It's too late. PS3 already secured ground. It will outsell original xbox and gc soon. Sony  don't need to cut the price yet. They are fine with current numbers. It's business - they need to stay profitable.



i know, whats with all this doom and gloom shit. some people really like making themselves think the ps3 is doing bad. by the end of this gen, im sure the ps3 would have AT THE LEAST sold 60-70 million.

kber81 said:
toastboy44562 said:

sony needs to get their act together.


... or what? PS3 sells great if we consider its price. Sure 360 goes a bit higher right now but c'mon... it means nothing. Sony still keeps 1 million lead as for this year. People should quit all this doom and gloom threads. There won't be any dreamcast  analogy this gen. It's too late. PS3 already secured ground. It will outsell original xbox and gc soon. Sony  don't need to cut the price yet. They are fine with current numbers. It's business - they need to stay profitable.



i know, whats with all this doom and gloom shit. some people really like making themselves think the ps3 is doing bad. by the end of this gen, im sure the ps3 would have AT THE LEAST sold 60-70 million.


 The problem is that they look at it from different perspectives. Here are a few.


1. All consoles came in with equal opportunities, sales are what matter - Ps3 is doing great. It is likely to outsell the 360 by a fair amount (~ 10M), and finish in a good second.

2. All consoles came in with equal opportunities, economy is what matters. Ps3 is doing complete crap. It is one of the worst doing consoles ever, as it loses money like a hellhole.

3. Sony had a huge advantage comming into the gen, sales are what matter - Ps3 is doing decent. It is losing a lot of sales, but it might go even with Ps2 in revenue for HW. Not bad.

4.  Sony had a huge advantage comming into the gen, economy matters. Ps3 is probably the worst doing console in the history of video games.

5. Library (games), is the important. Sony is doing decent/slightly bad, as the Ps2 had a far better library at this point. The 360 is also doing better.


There are heaps of ways to look at it, and these are only a few, but I still think it should help understand my point.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS