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kber81 said:
toastboy44562 said:

sony needs to get their act together.


... or what? PS3 sells great if we consider its price. Sure 360 goes a bit higher right now but c'mon... it means nothing. Sony still keeps 1 million lead as for this year. People should quit all this doom and gloom threads. There won't be any dreamcast  analogy this gen. It's too late. PS3 already secured ground. It will outsell original xbox and gc soon. Sony  don't need to cut the price yet. They are fine with current numbers. It's business - they need to stay profitable.



i know, whats with all this doom and gloom shit. some people really like making themselves think the ps3 is doing bad. by the end of this gen, im sure the ps3 would have AT THE LEAST sold 60-70 million.


 The problem is that they look at it from different perspectives. Here are a few.


1. All consoles came in with equal opportunities, sales are what matter - Ps3 is doing great. It is likely to outsell the 360 by a fair amount (~ 10M), and finish in a good second.

2. All consoles came in with equal opportunities, economy is what matters. Ps3 is doing complete crap. It is one of the worst doing consoles ever, as it loses money like a hellhole.

3. Sony had a huge advantage comming into the gen, sales are what matter - Ps3 is doing decent. It is losing a lot of sales, but it might go even with Ps2 in revenue for HW. Not bad.

4.  Sony had a huge advantage comming into the gen, economy matters. Ps3 is probably the worst doing console in the history of video games.

5. Library (games), is the important. Sony is doing decent/slightly bad, as the Ps2 had a far better library at this point. The 360 is also doing better.


There are heaps of ways to look at it, and these are only a few, but I still think it should help understand my point.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS