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megaman2 said:

Lolll, bengabenga 2009 belongs to the ps3 trust me, all the ps3 needs is a price cut.

And exactly this might be their main problem. The PS-3 is only to a part a game console, on the other hand it is a BluRay player. If they lower the price of the console, they lower also the price of their player. I don't know if you realized it: They are also producing Stand Alone BluRay players. What do you think how this department will react?

It is quite fascinating, but different departments can be enemies! I would say if they want to lower their prices and they would make even a loss of one dollar, their stand alone department will do everything possible to prevent this, even if it qould mean a heavy blow for the whole PS-3 project!

Hardware manufacturers are leaving the BluRay, because they can't develop at these prices (or why do you think Samsung stated that BluRay was only a short time investment and that they give BluRay 5 years?). Such a step might be the last step for BluRay from Panasonic and Pioneer too! And this would be a dramatic blow to BluRay if everything depends on a game cinsole and the whole project has no longer ANY support in the Hardware industry.

You think too small if you only look at the PS-3 and its position in the gaming market. Exactly this is the major problem for such projects.