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Forums - General Discussion - USA is the best country in the world

MontanaHatchet said:
Rubang, with all the crazy, exotic ice cream flavors out there, do you really think that the most basic ones are the best?

I do.  For everything i've tried.  Choclate is still the best. (for me)  Even the fancy ass "We're more chocolate then chocolate" hardcore icecreams with the chunks of chocolate in it aren't as good.


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Well my favorite ice cream flavor is Cookie Dough, but mainly because I'm a whore for cookie dough itself. I only wish that ice cream makers would use a better flavor of vanilla. They think that because it had delicious chunks of heaven in it that it will make up for the crappy vanilla. It does, but not fully.



Pfff yu dont like football, you have to worry about terrorists, a lot of delinquency(sp?). No, Chile is where I like to be, and if I had to pick i would live in Norway, or switszerland or something like that.

Yeah I also think chocolate is better than all the superduperdoublechocolate crap.

Cookie dough ice cream is also amazing. I'd put that at a close 3rd even.

I've also played tons of exotic video games and I still think SMB3 and Tetris are the best.

I think chocolate, cookie dough, and SMB3 are all better than America.


EDIT: Now that I think about it, as of this post, cookie dough ice cream has officially surpassed mint and chocolate chip as my 2nd favorite ice cream flavor.  It's been way too long since I've had it.  I don't think it'll pass cookies and cream though.  It has too much spiritual significance for me.  One time I got a whole cookie in it when I was in 3rd grade.  It changed my life.

Speaking of things vaguely related to the discussion but steered towards making an awful thread go off topic, am I the only one who doesn't like apple pie, or any fruit filled pie for that matter? It's like eating a mushy apple hamburger.



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MontanaHatchet said:
Speaking of things vaguely related to the discussion but steered towards making an awful thread go off topic, am I the only one who doesn't like apple pie, or any fruit filled pie for that matter? It's like eating a mushy apple hamburger.


I don't like apple pie, or any kind of pie.

I know, I'm a terrorist.

As in go buy us some coffee.

Chocolate chip cookie dough mixed with a bit of chocolate ice cream and brownie pieces in it, FTW!

On topic... I find it hilarious that Soleron lived in Texas, and generalizes the entire nation on that experience. How many jokes are there about Texas in America? I've even seen T-shirts dissing that state. You basically went to the most ...exotic state, and are generalizing the entire country off of that. Ell oh ell!

For as much "bad" as American has done to the world, we've made the world benefit even more. Both world wars, anyone? Or maybe we should have done what France did, switch sides constantly so you can always be on the winning team. :P I kidd.

I haven't really had good experience with fruit pie yet. I'm sure there out there somewhere. I don't think everybody in the world can be that crazy. All my favorite pies are like... pumpkin pie, lemon merengue pie, and uh... cheesecake.

If apple pie is supposed to be the quintessential American food, then I guess America is a big lie. This isn't going off-topic. All these things relate to America.

I think America's strongest point is its musical exports (rock and roll, jazz, hip hop, the blues, R&B, gospel, Motown, John Cage, etc.), and its weakest points are its film exports, reality television, America-centric education and news, apple pie (and other foods), and bomb exports. We export a lot of crappy bombs to places that don't need them. It's kinda weird.

Film was invented in America, which was neat, but quickly monopolized and brought to a standstill, so all the good films for the next couple decades were from France, Germany, and the Soviet Union. Fucking Edison.

I'll give America props for inventing video games, the internet, Polaroid cameras, the integrated circuit, and the California roll. The idea to use avocado to replace fish when it was illegal to sell raw fish was rad.

The worst thing of all though is American toilets, and the fact that Americans don't clean their asses right. Dry paper? DRY PAPER? Hahahaha.

"I could understand how arrogance could be met with backlash, but never have I seen a thread with so much bashing of one country."
Well when someone makes a thread that gives off the vibe "we're so much better than all of you," that can't be met with surprise.

"It's funny being from Canada, you'd think there would be so many staunch similarities between us, but when I drive down into the US, I just have to marvel at all the incredibly overweight people who go into all night buffet steakhouses, and drive enormous SUV's."
That's a bit of a low blow, but world wide obesity is unfortunately increasing. I read somewhere by like 2050 about 9/10 people in Britain would be Obese.
In Canada as of 2004, it was about in it's high %20s while in the States it's about low 50s/high 40s.


The Ghost of RubangB said:

I haven't really had good experience with fruit pie yet. I'm sure there out there somewhere. I don't think everybody in the world can be that crazy. All my favorite pies are like... pumpkin pie, lemon merengue pie, and uh... cheesecake.

If apple pie is supposed to be the quintessential American food, then I guess America is a big lie. This isn't going off-topic. All these things relate to America.

I think America's strongest point is its musical exports (rock and roll, jazz, hip hop, the blues, R&B, gospel, Motown, John Cage, etc.), and its weakest points are its film exports, reality television, America-centric education and news, apple pie (and other foods), and bomb exports. We export a lot of crappy bombs to places that don't need them. It's kinda weird.

Film was invented in America, which was neat, but quickly monopolized and brought to a standstill, so all the good films for the next couple decades were from France, Germany, and the Soviet Union. Fucking Edison.

I'll give America props for inventing video games, the internet, Polaroid cameras, the integrated circuit, and the California roll. The idea to use avocado to replace fish when it was illegal to sell raw fish was rad.

The worst thing of all though is American toilets, and the fact that Americans don't clean their asses right. Dry paper? DRY PAPER? Hahahaha.

Pumpkin's are a fruit... scientifically speaking.