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Forums - Sony Discussion - After playing Killzone 2 beta, I must say...

FilaBrasileiro said:
KBG29 said:

I completly agree. After getting my hands on this game at TGS I have been on the edge of my seat for this puppy.

Sony needs to pull out all the stops for this game marketing wise. I want Halo level stuff like mentioned earlier. It angers me that they make these amazing games, and they fail to market them to the potential buyers. The amount of potential profit they lose is just stagering.

bbsin said:

1. Having a commercial that makes absolutely no sense.
2. Not showing any creativity.
3. Barely showing them at all.
or all of the above.




Couldn't have said it better myself, all LBP commercials fucking sucked and I didn't see them nearly enough, why couldn't they put some huge Sackboy at TRU and have the game in front of the store? Special Edition with plush Sackboy and Sackgirl? Plenty of (creative and better) commercials on casual networks and during prime time? Crap, why couldn't they have a demo ready on PSN and have told TRU, Best Buy, Gamestop etc to put it on their kiosks? LBP was handled horribly, I'm hoping word of mouth will help that game.


Back to Killzone 2, it needs to be on the Serra - GSP UFC in February, it needs to have a special edition, it needs all this marketing, this game really is special and word of mouth will help it sell games, but it also needs to grab some casuals out there first, then after that they will tell their friends who will also pick up the game. I have no faith in Sony to market this properly, but I'm hoping for the best.


theprof00 said:
wow really? I hope word of mouth travels fast. I don't remember killzone 1 being that good in sales, so I was in doubt for a bit... I still am, but just less so.


After you play this puppy, all your fears will be put to rest. trust me on this.


You mean BJ penn - GSP fight in February. If Sony is REALLY serious about KZ2, they'd have a good commercial on the Superbowl (not going to happen). Maybe a mixed commercial with KZ2 headlining a number of games.

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the game is amazing and the beta is awesome.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

FilaBrasileiro said:

This is the best FPS I have ever played (sorry CoD4), and this is from a guy that didn't really enjoy Killzone 1 and had to force myself to play through that.

I must also say sorry Uncharted and Gears 2, you are not the king of graphics on consoles anymore. This game looks absolutely stunning and looks much better on your TV then on the videos that you see online.

One thing I kinda wish for, and sorry about this Sony fans, is that this game was 360 exclusive and published by MS. Allow me to explan, Sony back in the PS1 and PS2 days had some sweet commercials and marketing, nowadays all we see is crap marketing, maybe it's because they can't spend too much money right now since they aren't making any, but over the past couple of years, MS marketing has been tremendous, I really feel if this game was on the 360 and exclusive with MS marketing power, it could sell 7 or 8+ mil, easy. It's that good. Now with a smaller install base that is the PS3 and with Sony's retarded marketing team, we must settle for maybe 3 mil, 4 if we're lucky.

I was sketchy about this title, but now am picking it up day 1, might even pre order it, and I haven't pre ordered a game since Zelda TWW just so I could get OOT on the GC disk.

Congrats GG, here's hoping the SP is as good as the MP.


 we all love to dream don't we. too bad. Sony owns the IP and the developer.

With as much time and promises made for this game, it damn well better be the best FPS out there. Also since this opinion is coming from you and not MakingMusic who doesn't know anything about FPS games, I can actually give some credit to this game finally. The controls will be an issue for me one way or the other unless Sony allows for mouse and KB support which I believe since the PS3 has the ability it should always use it for FPS titles but that's my opinion.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

Gamers in The Netherlands are proud KillZone 2 is designed in our small country of windmills and woodenshoes. And it's released exclusive on PS3.

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MP wont sell this game as well as SP... that's not GG strong point... MP is mostly technical... I have little faith they can pull the SP off at all... I remember KZ1 being a pretty good looking game, but the AI was so bad at times it made me (a very forgiving person about these things) cring. The story has potential though... so if they get some good people working on that and don't f' up to bad on AI and gameplay we may have a game worth your 60 bucks... it certainly would be a first for these guys (although they did make a pretty good PSP game).

MaxwellGT2000 said:
With as much time and promises made for this game, it damn well better be the best FPS out there. Also since this opinion is coming from you and not MakingMusic who doesn't know anything about FPS games, I can actually give some credit to this game finally. The controls will be an issue for me one way or the other unless Sony allows for mouse and KB support which I believe since the PS3 has the ability it should always use it for FPS titles but that's my opinion.


I agree.  UT3 on PS3 had mouse/keyboard support.  The mods for that (even on PS3) are pretty awesome, as well.

I need to play that again...

Cueil said:
MP wont sell this game as well as SP... that's not GG strong point... MP is mostly technical... I have little faith they can pull the SP off at all... I remember KZ1 being a pretty good looking game, but the AI was so bad at times it made me (a very forgiving person about these things) cring. The story has potential though... so if they get some good people working on that and don't f' up to bad on AI and gameplay we may have a game worth your 60 bucks... it certainly would be a first for these guys (although they did make a pretty good PSP game).


pretty much true. R2 may have sold much better if the campaign we're a bigger focus. Multiplayer focused games seems to do better for PC, console gamers want a really good campaign mode. Regardless, the AI looks pretty good based on the videos, we've seen Helghasts change positioning based on what cover they have to work with. 

In terms of campaign mode, I'd say most the pieces are already there.

Good graphics/art design, engaging and dynamic combat, great animation/cut scenes, unique characters, good setting, and good story material.

The only thing left (which are 2 huge factors in single player) are level design, and action pacing. Things that Gears of War exceled at. If the level designs are shit and if the pacing is off, the campaign will suck, regardless of the graphics, world, and story.

bbsin said:


You mean BJ penn - GSP fight in February. If Sony is REALLY serious about KZ2, they'd have a good commercial on the Superbowl (not going to happen). Maybe a mixed commercial with KZ2 headlining a number of games.


Lol yeah, thanks for the correction, I was half asleep when I wrote that (hopefully Penn wins). I was gonna say Superbowl commercial, but that's not feasible, commercials on Spike TV, UFC, etc are the next best thing.


bbsin said:
Cueil said:
MP wont sell this game as well as SP... that's not GG strong point... MP is mostly technical... I have little faith they can pull the SP off at all... I remember KZ1 being a pretty good looking game, but the AI was so bad at times it made me (a very forgiving person about these things) cring. The story has potential though... so if they get some good people working on that and don't f' up to bad on AI and gameplay we may have a game worth your 60 bucks... it certainly would be a first for these guys (although they did make a pretty good PSP game).


pretty much true. R2 may have sold much better if the campaign we're a bigger focus. Multiplayer focused games seems to do better for PC, console gamers want a really good campaign mode. Regardless, the AI looks pretty good based on the videos, we've seen Helghasts change positioning based on what cover they have to work with.

In terms of campaign mode, I'd say most the pieces are already there.

Good graphics/art design, engaging and dynamic combat, great animation/cut scenes, unique characters, good setting, and good story material.

The only thing left (which are 2 huge factors in single player) are level design, and action pacing. Things that Gears of War exceled at. If the level designs are shit and if the pacing is off, the campaign will suck, regardless of the graphics, world, and story.


I'm gonna disagree with both of you, Halo, CoD4, Resistance 1, etc... all sold well because of the awesome MP. CoD4 SP was subpar as a matter of fact, with that said, I do hope that the SP campaign in Killzone 2 will be as amazing as the MP. The only thing this game is missing is some kind of co-op and we don't know if there'll be any split screen MP in the game.

man, I can't wait ! It's been a long time since I've been excited by a FPS on any console (I usually play those on the PC but I've nothing against the concept of FPS on console itself)