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Forums - Sales Discussion - Interesting, $499 160gb ps3 released yesterday sold out instantly gamestop

markers said:


 yeah about 75% of GS employees are extreme fanboys and/or border line retarded. its nice to see GS gives those with special needs a job though


 I dont think they were being fanboys I honestly think they didn't know GH3 was multiplatform

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Max King of the Wild said:
markers said:


 yeah about 75% of GS employees are extreme fanboys and/or border line retarded. its nice to see GS gives those with special needs a job though


 I dont think they were being fanboys I honestly think they didn't know GH3 was multiplatform


 i wasnt commenting on your instance i was complimenting it with my own synopsis as an ex-worker/customer at GS, or i would of just stated they are just plain retarded

Why does amazon have it listed to be available on the 30th? Did Gamespot get some sort of special treatment?


Well they released them yesterday, and then quickly they change the pre order to the next shipment


Aj_habfan said:
Motorstorm bundle was a limited bundle too. Pretty much every bundle is.

The Motorstorm bundle was the main bundle for a very, very long time.....


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Username2324 said:
Aj_habfan said:
Motorstorm bundle was a limited bundle too. Pretty much every bundle is.

The Motorstorm bundle was the main bundle for a very, very long time.....



 it was still limited

Max King of the Wild said:
axumblade said:
Max King of the Wild said:
papflesje said:
Well, the 160SKU is limited edition here, so they might actually not be releasing a whole lot of them, meaning they sell out quite fast, because there are just very few to get.


 its limited edition? can you show me where you see that?

It's limited edition in the sense that Motorstorm and Metal Gear Solid 4 were.



 you responded really quick. And thats what I was thinking too. But it sounds like he is saying the model is limited.

It is... I don't have a link, but you can use google...


Sony said they were releasing a small amount of 160 gb consoles under this deal to gauge public demand. That way they can decide whether they want to do a price cut or an increase to 160gb standard when they stop losing money on the 80 gb version


johnsobas said:
some people may want it but somehow i don't think a more expensive PS3 is gonna boost sales.




i think the $500 price tag is going to scare some people.





If it sells well then that's great news for Sony as it really doesn't cost them anything extra to make the 160GB (A 160GB laptop HDD is pretty much the same price as a 80GB HDD nowadays) and Uncharted already made them money with more than 1 million sales not including bundles, so this will also help get the Uncharted name out there.