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Forums - Sony Discussion - What's this Resistance 2 review about?!

I seriously don't get it myself...

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ChronotriggerJM said:
I dunno, I don't want to flame and say that the article was COMPLETE rubbish, I mean it does have a few decent points. For one, the game is pretty linear as far as the story is concerned :P No real need to explore or any of that, and there ARE pockets of monsters from point to point, and at least for me, the story didn't make too much sense or really draw the player in, HOWEVER, that said, the review also didn't mention the fact that playing all of this, "same ol' same ol" is just simply awesome :P The weapon's they placed throughout this game are just so much fun to use, and the linear levels definitely benefit from them, on a regular shooter it might not fly so well, but in this game I disagree completely :P

Using guns like the bulseye, magnum, and auger DEFINITELY change up what could have been a regular frag fest, and make it something so much more technical. And Resistances ability to map out awesome "epic fights" is second to none, I swear it! They are frantic, amazing to participate in, and just unbelievable sometimes.

Resistance was one of the few shooters I've played where dying just makes me re-think of a different way I can beat the situation without chalking it up to a few missed shots, I'm not sure about you guys, but dying was actually fun to me in this, esp dying to some of the more intense moments, it was almost a blessing because you wanted to do that segment again so badly anyway :P Resistance is one hell of a game, and this review doesn't seem to want to participate in it ^^

And on a second note, this games co-op is addicting ;-; my roomate and I literally have trouble putting it down sometimes ;-;

Lets see,Unintresting story(Check),Same Game(check),Last gen linear levels(Check)..Yea there biased >_>

@Jo21-"Games should be based upon how fun they are not features"-ZenfoldorVGI



Well let's see, if you just wanted to be subjective like that, lemme try to speak a different tone.

Gears of war 2!
Bad acting, check.
Grey. check.

Well shit, it's obviously like every other turd game out there /rolleyes.

Resistance is amazing because it re-defines the "standard shooter" and reinvigorates it. It actually makes it fun. In every other shooter out there, if the enemy is behind cover, you either wait it out, or toss a grenade. Yaaaaaaaaaaaay. In Resistance however, you actually have options, the weapons at your disposal change the way a shooter is played for a very very frantic and fun way. Your standard multi-player maps loaded with campers have gone the way of the dinosaur, you stay in one place for any amount of time and someone will rape your face off, you can be lethal behind cover, you can flush enemies out of hiding by hitting them from angles not physically possible in real life. It's a video game baby, and a damn good one at that!

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

@ garnett: well their review is 20 points lower than the average score. DO you still stand by your words?
every other reviewer thought it was better than that.

secondly this is the second time Variety has given a new ps3 game a low score, a much lower score than the median score avg.

Oh man Variety?

Please do not consider this a legit site for reviewing games.

When I saw the SMG review, I simply couldn't stop laughing (when I saw the "sponsored by Sony logo" that made it even more funny which is now removed).


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I don't think any other review said R2 wasn't fun. You are siding with the one in a group of 40. good job.

Not to be taken seriously. I wonder why Metacritic even included this review in the average.

It made me laugh...There are some people that just shouldn't review certain games...

Former something....

using variety as a source is like using a local newspaper or high school news station as a credible review.

I still say if you want the most in dept reviews and great appreciation for the review material, seriously check out play magazine :P Speaking of which I need to re-subscribe >

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