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Forums - PC Discussion - Suggest me some PC games!!

So i recently scored a really really good job and ill finally be able to build myself a new pc! It will easily be good enough to play anything released now but seeing as my current PC is a 6 year old Dell ive been out of the loop with new games for some time. So can people suggest me some good games that have been released in the last few years that i probably missed??

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UT2004, Orange Box, Warcraft 3, WoW, Fallout 3 just came out, The Witcher. Just to name a few.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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Orange Box i have (really valve are the kings of scaling down) and warcraft three is basically what ive been playing all these years! and im afraid that im not letting myself get into wow again, under the threat of being dumped :P

has anyone played crysis warhead? because i really want a game thatll use the comp and i was wondering wether or not to get the original or warhead.

Rome: Total War (4 years old, maybe that's too old for you, but it's amazing.)

Left 4 Dead coming next week!!

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nah not too old at all! basically the only games ive played on this comp are the blizzard and valve ones, oh and C&C3.

oh and does anyone know if crysis has that EA drm? becuase i can always borrow my friends copy if not...

V-r0cK said:
Left 4 Dead coming next week!!

oh thats a definate purchase!

How about BioShock? I also suggest you grab some of the indie games. AudioSurf and World of Goo are the ones I have enjoyed the most so far. AuidioSurf > WoG though, only because it works with ANY song.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


It would help if you told us what genres you like the most. And I suggest you use Steam to buy PC games.

im mostly into RTS/WRPG's, that being said im playing the hell out of tf2 right now..
and yeah bioshock is another definate play.