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Forums - Sales Discussion - Did sony defeat themselves this generation?

darthdevidem01 said:

For Gods Sake.

SONY did not defeat themselves.

Even if PS3 was $399 or $299 at launch it wouldn't offer that DIFFERENT wouldn't tap into that BLUE OCEAN that the wii does.

WHY is the Xbox 360 not selling more than the wii right now?? same reason.

THe day nintendo sai "we are not competing with MS & SONY" at E3 was the day I laughed at did many others

BUT that was the day that defined this generations future.

Nintendo defeated SONY by their strategy.

Nope. If the ps3 had launched at the 299 it would have won. Most likely (but sony would have gone bankrupt)


Check out my game about moles ^

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Sony definitely blew it. They're paying for their arrogance. RadioioRobert's post pretty much sums it up.

Btw, is it just me, or is anyone else getting freaked out by leo-j and trestes?

Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement


Warrior of Light

Sony hasn't helped themselves at all this generation. Their were many missteps along the way. They included:

- The product was brought out before it was proven and ready for developers.
- I don't think they realized how to make a network for millions of games let alone provide it for free
- They marketed games before they knew what they could really deliver
- They didn't get their costs down fast enough
- They over estimated consumer's demand for a new video format and what that format needs to cost.
- They thought since they one last round that this round would be automatic when they came into the market.

All is not lost for Sony, they have the opportunity to make things better, but, they have a lot of work to do if they want to get there. I don't think anyone can write Sony off this generation, but they are coming much close to that time now. 2009 is do or die until next generation.

NeoRatt said:
- I don't think they realized how to make a network for millions of games let alone provide it for free


From their PR, they were banking big-time on inside-Home advertisement to keep the network afloat. One of the things I'd like to know is how much money is psn costing them (and I mean the whole costs, developing the software and the services, the servers, the bandwith, etc).


Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

yeah they really did play a part in the tuff time they are having

to high a start price, bad pr, and underestimating the comp

never a good starting point


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Let's just say they didn't help themselves...

1) pushed too much into console to get correct price point for market to adopt rapidly - and the price point continues to be a big problem for PS3 IMHO

2) pushed tech design over software development making the console 'harder' to develop for using current tools/approaches, particularly those from the now more lucrative Western developers geared to PC development - making it easy for MS to woo them with better SDK and more familiar development environment

3) Made endless arrogant statements very publicly - did anyone like the suggestion they should be happy to get two jobs just to buy a games console?

4) Did not have any major franchises ready to support launch - look how many are still going on about where's God of War, Jak, Sly, FF, GT5, etc. etc.

5) Did not have PSN ready fast enough to compete with Live - making it easy for MS to build on this while its only since the redesign and more recent

6) Over focused on Home and risky new IPs - Lair, Heavenly Sword, etc. and where the hell is Home and will it really make much difference now?

7) Delivered a consistently inconsistent branding/marketing message to the masses - I mean, given they had by far the strongest brand, its incredible they manged to get everyone confused as what the PS3 was actually for? In particular they let their enthusiasm for Blu Ray and media content run away with them for months and months before they realized their error

8) Having gone to the trouble of putting motion sensing into the controller they then failed to actually do anything with it - heck they should have had a Wii Sports rip off out within months of watching Wii explode, but they didn't have to this day games with no need to it at all feel the need to sneak in a redundant use of the feature that everyone ignores

Still, if they can get costs down a price cut would clearly help them sell a lot and I'm pretty sure PS3 is now long past the point of having to worry about 3rd party support. It'll get a decent version of most games now no matter what so I guess Sony have one less thing to sort out now.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

twesterm said:
darthdevidem01 said:

For Gods Sake.

SONY did not defeat themselves.


No, they really did there in the beginning:

Wow...good list.

I hope Sony burns in hell because of this...

October 24th, 2006 - Sony sinks Lik-Sang


leo-j said:

I need to make this simply because its a response to my other thread.

Microsoft is only one of the main reasons sony was held back this generation.

Sega released a year before the ps2, and despite doing very well, sony obliterated them out of the console race, now why is it any different than microsoft and sony?

Well the difference is, the ps2 was $299, and the ps3 well $599

Sony shot themselves on the foot when they released the ps3 at $599, and then said "People will get two jobs if they have to, the ps3 will be a huge success", that to me sounded so arrogant and cocky of them.

Honestly despite the fact Microsoft has done really well to take games from the ps3(or atleast no longer have htem exclusive), the biggest thing that has been holding sony back has been price.

They need to cut the price, and they made a huge mistake in believeing that a 600 dollar console would dominate.


that is all so obvious,  no one beat sony this gen they beat them self, i think they made wii win. 600 for a console, please.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

Price kills!  The reason for Sony's problems all begin at price.   And there is no easy way for them to lower the price.  Most people think that it is a simple decision for them to cut prices by $50-100 and then start selling away at a bigger loss.  The reality of the situation is much different than that.  Every time the PS3 has made a cut in price the other stand alone Blu-Ray players have had too as well.  This is a catch 22,  cut price and drive away stand alone manufactureres or keep the PS3 high and lose sales.  I would imagine these stand alone B-ray builders have some sort of contract with Sony to keep prices at a reasonable rate compared to the PS3 in order to sell players.  So Sony will lose not only X amount of money for each PS3 sold but also the money they have to give back to the stand alones.  Which would seem to be a hell of a lot.  No price cut for some time IMO.


What does that mean for the PS3?  I don't really know but it certainly isn't good.  I like the PS3 and the main reason I bought it was for Blu-Ray.  But it is also the main reason it will always be a distant 3rd place.  Of course this is all my humble opinion, which may or may not be worth the time it took to read this.  Toodles and have a good day. :D

That is all.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




disolitude said:
twesterm said:
darthdevidem01 said:

For Gods Sake.

SONY did not defeat themselves.


No, they really did there in the beginning:

Wow...good list.

I hope Sony burns in hell because of this...

October 24th, 2006 - Sony sinks Lik-Sang


Shutup. lik sang was illegally exporting across territories. Do you know how much Sony can be sued for if one of those chargers starts a fire and kills someone? Defend your underground shit some other way, Sony would have been responsible. Not only that but it was a clear violation of trade rights where lik sang was selling PSPs months before release dates for profit.

They were selling another company's product for profit.

Not to mention that previously they sold ps2 modchips. Of course, back in the day I had some of those gameboy 50 in 1 games that my chinese friends had, but I have no remorse for companies that do that and take money out of developers pockets.