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Let's just say they didn't help themselves...

1) pushed too much into console to get correct price point for market to adopt rapidly - and the price point continues to be a big problem for PS3 IMHO

2) pushed tech design over software development making the console 'harder' to develop for using current tools/approaches, particularly those from the now more lucrative Western developers geared to PC development - making it easy for MS to woo them with better SDK and more familiar development environment

3) Made endless arrogant statements very publicly - did anyone like the suggestion they should be happy to get two jobs just to buy a games console?

4) Did not have any major franchises ready to support launch - look how many are still going on about where's God of War, Jak, Sly, FF, GT5, etc. etc.

5) Did not have PSN ready fast enough to compete with Live - making it easy for MS to build on this while its only since the redesign and more recent

6) Over focused on Home and risky new IPs - Lair, Heavenly Sword, etc. and where the hell is Home and will it really make much difference now?

7) Delivered a consistently inconsistent branding/marketing message to the masses - I mean, given they had by far the strongest brand, its incredible they manged to get everyone confused as what the PS3 was actually for? In particular they let their enthusiasm for Blu Ray and media content run away with them for months and months before they realized their error

8) Having gone to the trouble of putting motion sensing into the controller they then failed to actually do anything with it - heck they should have had a Wii Sports rip off out within months of watching Wii explode, but they didn't have to this day games with no need to it at all feel the need to sneak in a redundant use of the feature that everyone ignores

Still, if they can get costs down a price cut would clearly help them sell a lot and I'm pretty sure PS3 is now long past the point of having to worry about 3rd party support. It'll get a decent version of most games now no matter what so I guess Sony have one less thing to sort out now.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...