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Forums - Sales Discussion - Did sony defeat themselves this generation?

Dodece said:
The problems is one of philosophy. Years before Sony even launched the PS3 they were following the wrong philosophy. There is a great wisdom in doing one thing at a time, and doing it well. Do what you are doing with integrity, and with a sense of purpose. Better yourself rather then preying upon others. Sony did none of these things. They had become the ugliest of conglomerates.

The PS3 became a bastard child born from cross divisional affection. Everyone put their hand in the pie. Sometimes their wants were totally out of line with what the console actually needed, and more often then not they were at cross purposes. This has been explained at length. Needless to say the goal was not to build the next generation of the console. The goal was to build a product that could sell everything that needed market penetration. The loyal consumer be damned they were to be enslaved.

Which leads into integrity and purpose. The upper echelon at Sony has little of these. When you have no respect for the consumer, and are actually predatory towards your fellow executives it is of little wonder that your aimless, and lack a moral compass. Which is a truly poor way to run a company, but these guys aren't happy pissing on the door to the corner office marking their territory. Oh no they want to share their misanthropic view on the rest of humanity through bad acts.

Sony has no morality clause that I have been able to see. Their executives blatantly lie to consumers, media, and probably investors. They are quick to fleece, and rarely admit to their misdeeds. They even engage in criminal activity in the name of Sony. That is how god awful the supervision has actually become. So its no wonder they sabotaged the PS3 through their own self serving nonsense. This behavior also poisoned the water. Screw enough consumers, and your going to find yourself with a legion of enemies.

So we have self serving, misanthropic bastards running the divisions. You can see how these guys are bound to run whatever they get their hands on right into the ground. Well if you cannot better yourself its well worth the money to buy someone better. Then run them into the ground, and use the money you made off them to buy someone else, and run them into the ground. This works fantastically as long as the money holds out, or until your division is bloated with non performers.

The problem wasn't that Sony shot themselves in the foot. The problem was that they were drunk on excesses long before they got around to mutilating their next console. The bottom line is that the executives at Sony are accountable, but more to the point they should have been reigned in years ago before they savaged everything.


So true.

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Btw you wonder why a lot of those E3 2005 games haven't released yet, why Sony are busy creating some of the most expensive games in existance?

"MotorStorm's Target Render "Pissed Us Off A Lot" Say Devs

Evolution Studios lead designer Nigel Kershaw and creative director Paul Hollywood, responsible for the recent MotorStorm: Pacific Rift for the PlayStation 3, tell 1UP that the "infamous" E3 2005 trailer for the first MotorStorm "kind of pissed us off a lot." Why? Well, for one thing, it wasn't created by them and set the team up for "expectations about the rendering prowess that we were going to expose."

Oh yeah. And it was created before the dev team had received official hardware specifications from Sony. Being told that they were "the worst [of Sony's first-party developers] in the world" by former Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios head Phil Harrison probably didn't help.

"They actually announced the hardware specifications on a slide show presentation," Hollywood said in a newly published video interview. "We sat and jotted them down... and then they showed us our movie. So it was like, 'This is what the PlayStation 3 can do, and this is what you're gonna get on it.' And we sat there trying to do the math in our head, going 'Can we really do this stuff that we're doing now?'"

"Nobody denied it. Nobody said it wasn't in-game," Kershaw said of the PS3 target render.

Fortunately, it sounds like some harsh words from Phil Harrison helped the team tap turn out a pretty damn good racer. Shame it didn't quite look like that first glimpse...

"We showed MotorStorm to the board of Sony in November 2005. So basically, the infamous E3 video had been out, so there's all these expectations about the rendering prowess that we were going to expose... and we showed them a lot of boxes," Hollywood explained. "At the end of the show, Phil Harrison took us to one side and said, 'You guys are the worst in the world....' At that point we went, 'Right, we'll show you.'"

Kershaw further details the team's perspective on the controversial E3 2005 trailer: "But it's this thing that haunts you, that you didn't match your target render.... Everybody makes such a big fucking deal of it. Who gives a shit? That's how we make games. If people have got a problem with that, tough." "



The only thing Sony did wrong was the price, and the price was the result of using Blu-ray. Obviously they put in Blu-ray to have long-term advantage but so far it's been more of a hindrance than advantage. It might prove to be a good decision in the future, though, but I guess it still won't reach their expectations. Blu-ray was definitely a calculated risk that both succeeded and failed. Personally I think Blu-ray was a good thing but financially it has cause problems.

Wii is not an issue as they target a different group of people. Then they have their old user base as well, but they aren't exactly huge (or against Sony).

Anyway, the PS3 would have been very succesful had the price been lower. We've still seen how strong the PlayStation brand is, even at the current price so it's probably safe to say with a lower price they'd be ahead of MS right now. And that doesn't necessarily mean being cheaper than the 360.

^The PS brand was strong back in 2006, but with Sony tripping over themselves at the starting blocks, they've severely damaged their brand power. As a result, the PS brand is losing mindshare steadily.

It'll take years to regain the consumers' confidence, and I don't mean just core gamers'.

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Guys, there's a book out there about Sony's failure with the ps3. Just sayin'.

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Zkuq said:
The only thing Sony did wrong was the price, and the price was the result of using Blu-ray. Obviously they put in Blu-ray to have long-term advantage but so far it's been more of a hindrance than advantage. It might prove to be a good decision in the future, though, but I guess it still won't reach their expectations. Blu-ray was definitely a calculated risk that both succeeded and failed. Personally I think Blu-ray was a good thing but financially it has cause problems.

Wii is not an issue as they target a different group of people. Then they have their old user base as well, but they aren't exactly huge (or against Sony).

Anyway, the PS3 would have been very succesful had the price been lower. We've still seen how strong the PlayStation brand is, even at the current price so it's probably safe to say with a lower price they'd be ahead of MS right now. And that doesn't necessarily mean being cheaper than the 360.


Blu Ray isn't the reason the PS3 will have a long term advantage. Blu Ray is what is actually weighing down on the PS3 and succeeding, because PS3 took the fall for Blu Ray if you haven't noticed. Sony pushed two formats in the past that actually attracted the mass market. This third time wasn't a charm because Blu Ray is redundant. A DVD format is still a DVD format to the majority of people. Sony pretty much said this gen we can get into your pocket on name value alone. Thats how arrogant alone.

I really wish that Sony didn't Put Blu-ray into the PS3. They could could have priced it reasonably, perhaps released it earlier than the 360, and could have dominated. Well, not dominated, but at least be beating the 360.

PSN- williwod

Remember, there are no stupid questions. Just stupid people- Mr Garrison

I definitely agree. If Sony had not been so obsessed with this blu-ray/HD DVD format war and they had released a sensibly priced console then things would have been very different. I think a $250 priced PS3 would have destroyed all comers based on brand name alone. As great and innovative as Wii is I don't think it would have had the momentum it has now if Sony had released a competitive console. Maybe Wii would have still been a major success but at best I think it would have been about 5 million ahead of PS3 rather than double in sales and over 15 million ahead.

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Stop writing these stuff i beg you, We all know this already. Dont need to make a pointless thread well in my opinion and bring the most fanboys down :P. JUST MY OPINION and from now on ill stay away from this topic. No offence :)! Dont worry be happy!

Aldro said:
Stop writing these stuff i beg you, We all know this already. Dont need to make a pointless thread well in my opinion and bring the most fanboys down :P. JUST MY OPINION and from now on ill stay away from this topic. No offence :)! Dont worry be happy!


It's the truth, look at the results. It's common sense.