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Forums - Sales Discussion - Did sony defeat themselves this generation?

Sony fucked up this gen. However, despite using ps3 as a platform for pushing BR and winning the HD war, they are doing remarkably well.
Don't count them out just yet.
They know what they are doing. They got a dose of reality, and it's on now. Their new exclusives are just blossoming. They are losing their old franchises who see bigger profits in multiplat, and they are starting from scratch with new devs, and more 1st and 2nd party releases, exactly the way the original PS became a success.

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theprof00 said:
Sony fucked up this gen. However, despite using ps3 as a platform for pushing BR and winning the HD war, they are doing remarkably well.
Don't count them out just yet.
They know what they are doing. They got a dose of reality, and it's on now. Their new exclusives are just blossoming. They are losing their old franchises who see bigger profits in multiplat, and they are starting from scratch with new devs, and more 1st and 2nd party releases, exactly the way the original PS became a success.


I think the original PS became a success because of 3rd parties and the CDrom format.

Resident Evil was out early in the lifecycle, and FFVII, omfg, Twisted Metal, and Metal Gear Solid. Those were all new franchises back then, and they were so good, they convinced people to buy the console. Especially Final Fantasy VII. I remember seeing news stories about it.

I also remember just wanting one because the games would be the first CD I'd ever seen. There was just a cool novely to it, and it got me really interested. I was sold when my cousin got FFVII. I played Resident Evil all the way through, without a memory card, because I didn't know I needed one to save, and had no money, LOL!

That console just had everything going for it. Not to mention that Nintendo had the lack of 3rd party support on the 64. It was still a great console, but it was mostly 1st party games like Mario, Zelda, and StarFox(first party?), and the odd Goldeneye here and there.


The Playstation was just the right console for that time period, like the Wii is now. It hit all the right buttons. The PS3 already missed that boat. If the PS3 pulls a comeback now, it's setting a precedent. Otherwise, it's bound to end up just over or just under the Xbox 360 by the end of this gen.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Sony's biggest problem now is that they do not have a strong counter against Microsoft's flagships Halo and Gears of War.

Until they do, the 360 will continue to be strong in the US. Without the support of NA, the PS3 will continue to struggle to get out of 3rd.

It does not help that the blu-ray adoption rate in the US is slow and that the world economy is faltering.

I totally agree with that statement. FFVII is what started me on the sony bandwagon myself.

I also agree that this is the Wii's time to shine, but might I remind you that each of those games you mentioned had sony devs working with them.

Maybe I am just confusing 2nd and 3rd party, but Sony has outside support with them now, new franchises, new IPs. Absolutely it won't counter the wii, but it isn't exactly doing too badly either. It is doing better than the n64 that is for sure. :P

theprof00 said:
Sony fucked up this gen. However, despite using ps3 as a platform for pushing BR and winning the HD war, they are doing remarkably well.
Don't count them out just yet.
They know what they are doing. They got a dose of reality, and it's on now. Their new exclusives are just blossoming. They are losing their old franchises who see bigger profits in multiplat, and they are starting from scratch with new devs, and more 1st and 2nd party releases, exactly the way the original PS became a success.


BR is doing much better than the PS3 is. I call the PS3 the living sacrifice.

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they put too much faith in PS2 brand upgrading and bluray. But those 2 points only capture a hardcore base. Its the kids and casuals that they need, and PS2 captured many.

Garnett said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Hyruken said:
Personally i don't think it is Sony's fault this has happened. I think Sony has aproached this gen as they did last gen. Assuming everyone would buy it simply because it is a PlayStation and that must mean its great on principle!
However what they didn't plan on is Nintendo and Microsoft being competative. And to me that is what happened. The PS3 got squashed by the Wii. The Wii is this gens PS1&2. They stole Sony's crown as the innovitive creators to the average joe on the street.

But the reason Sony are in trouble is down simply to games. There are some good games for the PS3 with Drakes Fortune and MGS4 being amongst my all time favs. But for every one game Microsoft seems to bung out 2. The games that used to drive console sales for PS1&2 have all now gone multi-platform. Metal gear 4 pretty much marks the last game of the PlayStation era to stay exclusive. But i think they will have no option but to now make that multi. And that is what happened. The great games we all grew up with playing on Playstation have now gone to other consoles. The PS3 has yet to find it's own identity in the world. Microsoft and Nintendo brought there A game to this gen and worked very hard on it and thats paid off for them. Sony just dont have the power they once had. To get that back they need new games and a game library that is better then its competators. Its software sales are pretty dismal right now so that would suggest that it needs to improve its games image. The PS3 is like the Dreamcast/GameCube of this gen. If anyone can come back next gen and re-take the crown it is Sony. And personally i think they will. This gen is lost.


I agree with some points, however Sony is in trouble because of this:

1. Launched at $599 against competitors who offered systems from $250 (Wii) to $299 &$399 (360 core and premium) (The latter being an alternative HD console).

2. Launched at a loss

3. Didn't have good launch titles.

4. Couldn't drop price at the right time because of the value of materials.

5. Focused more on Blu Ray initially than games.

6. Lost 3rd party support by not monitarily holding onto them and expecting them to stay loyal.

7. Sold out their true fanbase to try and win over the American fanbase.

8. Made PSN free while expecting losses before launch. (But of course they couldn't make people pay for online at such a high price)

9.Supposly high Specs,but are not showen,even now.





fail add. killzone 2, =)

S.T.A.G.E. said:

I agree with some points, however Sony is in trouble because of this:

1. Launched at $599 against competitors who offered systems from $250 (Wii) to $299 &$399 (360 core and premium) (The latter being an alternative HD console).

2. Launched at a loss

3. Didn't have good launch titles.

4. Couldn't drop price at the right time because of the value of materials.

5. Focused more on Blu Ray initially than games.

6. Lost 3rd party support by not monitarily holding onto them and expecting them to stay loyal.

7. Sold out their true fanbase to try and win over the American fanbase.

8. Made PSN free while expecting losses before launch. (But of course they couldn't make people pay for online at such a high price)

Bolded for truth :)

You can't release an overly expensive system that uses almost entirely proprietary hardware, and compete in the market. They wound up making the Playstation 3 so cutting edge, that they cut them selves fatally - Go look at the Saturn for the best market example. Revolutionary technology doesn't always make a console better - it only makes it better when its affordable technology.

The best examples of that would be:

NES's usage of licensing to force quality titles on their system (later adopted as a golden standard by all console makers)

Playstation 1's introduction of affordable CD gaming

Playstation 2's introduction of affordable DVD gaming

Nintendo Wii's approach to cheap, revolutionary motion controls


Notice how none of the said systems and their innovations cost over $300? Any company can make a spec-insane beast, but it takes a certain kind of company that can make it both revolutionary and cheap - Kind of like the iPod, or budget computing.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

I still have faith in Sony..... I've been on Sony's side since 1996, and always will be.