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Forums - PC Discussion - AMD is doomed

I really don't understand anything about it =p.

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Their 45nm offerings are decent, and they have to match the Core 2s with them not the I7 which is reasonably achieveable. Core I7 doesn't release mainstream models until next year/


its just too bad, i remember when amds were top tier and costed like 1/4th of an intel.

Looks worse than ever for AMD.

No 8-core CPUS even in 2011? How does the Intel roadmap look when it comes to number of cores?

Ugh. I for one am not looking forward to an Intel monopolized CPU-market...

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It's just the way it works, Intel Pentium line dominated until AMD released the Athlon line, and they continued spanking them until Intel released the Core line, now it's gonna be a while before AMD shows something more powerful again...

AMD is not doomed, as long as they keep releasing cheaper CPUs they're gonna have enough market, because not everyone is a gamer, or a heavy multimedia user, etc. and many people have a short budget for a PC...

Slimebeast said:
Looks worse than ever for AMD.

No 8-core CPUS even in 2011? How does the Intel roadmap look when it comes to number of cores?

Intel actually lowers the amount of cores to 6 but I think they are going to have an advanced hyper-threading which allows each core to do three cores.

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Depends on the pricing to be frank !

Yep. AMD is just going to have to maintain its position as a CPU vendor for budget PCs. And that's not a bad thing either.

Look at all the budget PCs being marketed and see the disproportionate number of those models using AMD CPUs.

As long as Intel doesn't undercut them in price w/ equivalent or better performance, AMD will do just fine on the basis of volume sales alone on inexpensive CPUs.

Unfortunately for AMD in the enthusiast market, Intel's current offerings simply provide far too much of a performance premium, even with the higher prices. OC ability is really only limited by individual samples (some can OC at higher frequencies than others with lower voltage) and specific cooling solutions.

That's the only potential hitch I see with the i7. Wattage cutoff for throttling rather than temperature.