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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii not collecting dust - myth debunked

I'm going to quit while I'm ahead, I'm already being misunderstood. My point is that you cannot average 2 hrs a day 5 times a month.

that is overplaying for the amount of days that it is actually being played. That is like gaming once a week, every Saturday night for example, with friends, and nothing else.
If you are arguing against me, you are arguing FOR 'family game night theory'.
However you can't have it both ways, either an average follows this trend (like a bell curve) or it is more inverted with many not being played and many being played extensively. (the gathering dust theory). I'm arguing more for the gathering dust theory. But either could be true for various reasons that i've already detailed.

Like I and WoW said, if this is a survey it might mean squat in the long run.

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Gamerace said:
theprof00 said:
Gamerace said:
theprof00 said:

I agree man. You cannot play 2 hours a day (average sessions per day x session length) only 5 days a month.

This kind of chart proves more of a relationship of 50% of owners playing for about 4+ hours a day and 50% of owners playing for 5 minutes a day.
with the first 50% playing multiple times a day, and 50 % never playing it at all.

I don't think that would have much to do with the console though. I'm sure numbers would be similar for other consoles.

No demographic plays 1 hour a day five times a month. I think this chart more than proves the opposite of this thread title.


 That is exactly how my daughter (who owns her own Wii) plays.  I'm sure most other girls too.   And they make up a sizable portion of Wii's ownership.   Actually, I only play for 5 minutes to 1 hour at a time to, but more like 10 times a month.

The majority of wii owners was proven to be 18+ males at like 60% ownership or something.

Plus you just proved my point. In your household, your wii gets played 5mins-1 hour 10 times a month and 5 times a month by your daughter for 1 hour. that equals 15 times a month for about 20-30 minutes which is not what the chart shows.

15 times a month is already ~three times more than the chart shows. If you think you are in the majority, then there are a large percentage that do not play EVER. and hence why i said it proves the opposite.


Okay this is all antidotal but:

My daughter has her OWN Wii.  She plays GH or DDR or HoTD maybe 5 times a month for about an hour.  Exactly as this data suggests.   Girls are at least 30% of Wii owners according to Nintendo and that percentage is growing.  DS is over 50% now.

My useage is similar except I'll go on binges with games like Fire Emblem which increases my time.  But many months this would be true of myself too, or would be if not for Wii Fit (30 minutes 4 times a week)

My friend (39) also plays about 5-10 times a month for about an hour.  I know because he almost exclusively plays online against me or my son.

My son is the heaviest user by far but he only plays SSBB or Mario Kart now either online against above friend or with his buddies at lunch or after school.   Wants a 360.

His friend owns a Wii sitting in a closet collecting dust as he plays his PS3 instead.

So yes there's some heavy users but they are balanced out by those Wii in the closet.  On avg, most Wii owners (totally not represented by VGChartz users) would follow what the data suggests (IMO).  And I don't see any problem with that since that would be the pattern of 90% of the population.


I'm sorry, i corrected myself but the data suggest 2 hours, not one hour.

Secondly, those numbers are AFTER their core audience of 18+ gamers which is 50%-60%. so really around 30% of gamers for ds are girls and like 20% of wii owners are girls

Like I was saying, or meant to say 2 hours a day 5 times a month is unlikely. half an hour to 1 hour a day 5 times a month is more likely.



This is where I said there is a problem with the data. We do not know the methodology used for these numbers.
Are they using standard deviations? 1, or 2? Based on Wii owners or people that only own a wii? Are they including everyone, or are they just taking the median? there is a lot missing from the graph, but one thing is for sure.

The average person does not go on binge gaming 5 times a month. (binge gaming, to us would hardly be considered only 2 hours, but to the GP it is, and there are even warnings against it)

EDIT: Also I can't believe your HH owns 2 wii's....


Thank you for catching that typo. I did indeed mean six times a month.


I wonder if anyone comprehends the fact that this chart says that the Wii is used on average one percent to two percent during a week. Where home appliances are concerned the Wii according to these numbers is in a fist fight with your Microwave oven, or your hair dryer. That is just pathetic no matter how you parse it out, and its probably worse then the numbers show.

The reason is there are some hardcore Wii owners that may play twenty or twenty five days a month, and play for over a hundred hours. That means there must be a large minority that never plays, and the majority play less then the chart indicates.

The console really is a dust magnet.

lol that's harsh man.
Yeah I would like to see some kind of comparison.
also, the trend for surveys is to exaggerate your actual answer, so that is also something to think about.

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You guys are kidding yourselves if you think that even 360/PS3 owners play for several hours a day every day on average. You are the hardcore minority, remember it. :p

You're also the same people who own 30+ games despite the attach rates on average being 4-8.

Here's how you interpret these numbers:

Wii is used about 5-6 days a month. On days when Wii is used, it's used about twice for an average of about 50 minutes each time. So overall about 500-600 minutes of usage a month, or 8-10 hours, spread out over once-twice a week. This is fairly normal.

Whoever's bringing in Nintendo Channel data -- you're looking at a very biased sample of the users who are savvy enough to take their Wii's online, download the Nintendo Channel, and submit their usage data. Looking at other games gives you data points such as Brawl and Guitar Hero 3 being played for 40-50 hours by the average user.

Keep in mind. Most people buy less than 10 games over the life of the system, and play it a handful of times in a month for an hour or two at a time. The small fraction of high-usage people tends to skew people's perspectives on this.

dkii, I dunno if you have been reading our responses, but I think the majority of us expect similar results for the ps360.

As per your statement of 8-10 hours a month, yes that is normal. But that is also something "implied" from the chart and not actually what the chart says.

i'm sorry but you don't play twice a day 5-6 times a month. that makes no sense. what it means is that there is a large difference in the survey.

It would make more sense, along with your explanation of 8-10 hours a month for those to be 10 separate occasions for 1hr per occasion. I don't even play twice a day, but I play ~2-3 hours a day.
The chart says that some people are playing multiple times a day, and also that there is a relationship between how many days a month/ per gamer.

How the average during one month was 2.01 times per day, per wii makes no sense. That means everyone plays twice a day, which isn't true. This is the failure of the chart, it makes no reference to the methodology used.

theprof00 said:

This is where I said there is a problem with the data. We do not know the methodology used for these numbers.
Are they using standard deviations? 1, or 2? Based on Wii owners or people that only own a wii? Are they including everyone, or are they just taking the median? there is a lot missing from the graph, but one thing is for sure.

The average person does not go on binge gaming 5 times a month. (binge gaming, to us would hardly be considered only 2 hours, but to the GP it is, and there are even warnings against it)

EDIT: Also I can't believe your HH owns 2 wii's....

I'm going by this statement: From September 2007 through August 2008, Nielsen gathered data (please see chart below) that shows the Wii being used between five and six days per month for around 50 minutes at a time.

Not sure where you're getting 2 hours (didn't drill though the numbers though).   And yes, I'm agree Wii owners are by and large not 'core' users.  They are regular users.   Which was the point the Sega rep was trying to make in his interview.  Now Sega is (smartly) targetting my generation (lapsed console gamers) with MadWorld, Conduit, HoTD:O and I think that'll work well.  I'm sure I'll be playing those and my buddies will have to get Conduit to play against me... or else. But I digress...

It's a different mentality Wii owners have.  Where HD console owners 'core players' want a new game a week (probably can't afford it but would if they could) cause they've burned though the last game already after a few days (thankfully for their budgets CoD4 exists for endless online joy).  Wii owners tend to just want something to play once in a while.  But they do like a selection.   It is comparible to board game and most people have an assortment of board games even if each only gets played a handful of times a year.   So the market to sell to exists.  But it's a different market and requires a different mentality.   So far only Nintendo 'gets' it.

Sega is trying to create a 35+ market for itself on Wii, Ubisoft is trying to create a girls market (worked great on DS), EA a casual and sports market.  But all are to some extent trying to spur current Wii owners to act like core owners (IE: play more regularly and buy more games and yearly editions).  This is hit & miss. 

Nintendo understands that if you give them a few great games that are ALWAYS fun to play, alone or with friends, and not done after one playthough that people will buy those games.  And that'll be their entire library.   Which is why Mario Kart is an unstoppable force.   SSBB also fits into this catagory.  So does Animal Crossing.  Wii music tries to but falls short.   Wii Fit is a different beast altogether.   Of course Nintendo also has it's core fanbase who need their Zelda's, Pikmen, and such.

So yeah, I agree with the chart data.  It agrees with what I see happening with my friends/family.

BTW: My daughter doesn't live with me but I will grab a 2nd Wii (for my bedroom) at some point.


It is two hours because you are goin by the quote and not the chart. The chart shows an average sessions per day, with sessions of 50 minutes a piece.

that is 2 sessions a dayx 50 minutes.

Now, that two sessions, or rather, 1.8 sessions per day in the most part, was gathered by that question and does not account into the days per month portion. That part of the chart is, physically turning on the system, playing it, then turning it off.

This doesn't make sense. That is why I think the methodology is off. It doesn't make sense to play twice a day for only one day a week. One would think that there would just be more times a month than twice a day, or a longer play time per session.

PS2 still #1. Means that a lotta people can't wait for PS3- Not many of you here but in reality.