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You guys are kidding yourselves if you think that even 360/PS3 owners play for several hours a day every day on average. You are the hardcore minority, remember it. :p

You're also the same people who own 30+ games despite the attach rates on average being 4-8.

Here's how you interpret these numbers:

Wii is used about 5-6 days a month. On days when Wii is used, it's used about twice for an average of about 50 minutes each time. So overall about 500-600 minutes of usage a month, or 8-10 hours, spread out over once-twice a week. This is fairly normal.

Whoever's bringing in Nintendo Channel data -- you're looking at a very biased sample of the users who are savvy enough to take their Wii's online, download the Nintendo Channel, and submit their usage data. Looking at other games gives you data points such as Brawl and Guitar Hero 3 being played for 40-50 hours by the average user.

Keep in mind. Most people buy less than 10 games over the life of the system, and play it a handful of times in a month for an hour or two at a time. The small fraction of high-usage people tends to skew people's perspectives on this.