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Forums - Sales Discussion - I am not a hater, but Wii is not moving software

what i dont get is in nintendo's report the attach rate was 10. something

in europ it was 8

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


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link? Even if you used nintendo's shipped software numbers with the sold install base at that time you wouldn't get 10.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

Wasn't there a recent Nintendo releasing of some sort that they stated the number of software sold and it was like some huge number higher than the total sold this year based on this site.

You can't base any judgement off of a free tracking site that even claims its software is very incomplete. And where is the infamous attach ratio, i thought you software guys loved to throw that out there.

i mean sure if sold 100 consoles and 50 games, yet my competitor sold 25 consoles and 25 games he wins right? he has a better attach rate.

fastyxx said: 

We've been having this discussion all week.  Those graphs show that the Wii doesn't sell 3rd party games very well.  The only 3rd party big sellers are Carnival Games, Game Party (?!?!), Mario and Sonic (still Mario, though), and Guitar Hero.

We Ski and Legos have done fairly well.

Otherwise it's wasteland of 300k-selling games on an install base of HOW many?


But it's not the Wii's fault.  It's developer/publishers/marketers AND Nntendo's (and they don't much care at this point - they prefer the percentage being tilted toward first party, obviously).  No one can come up with an original IP game that breaks out on this platform?  You can argue Carnival Games is, technically, but be real - it's Wii Play/Sports in a diffferent box.  We Ski is, I guess.  (I don't know what Game Party is, but it sounds like more mini games.)


But where are sales for Boom Blox, and Sam and Max, and Zack and Wiki, and No More Heroes etc. etc.?


 For the very last time, you are wrong. Guitar Hero, Mario and Sonic, Carnival Games, and Game Party have sold a combined total of just over 6 million titles. That means there are 34 million games being sold that are not in any of those franchises. Or in other words, the vast majority of the third party software that is selling is not included in your assertion. You have accounted for less than 14% of the total games sold by the Wii in this time span.

 Boom Blox was a success based on EA reports. No More Heroes sold so well at launch the developers threw a party to celebrate. It has been the best selling Suda51 game ever made, and the last one was released on the PS2! It has done so well they are making a sequel for it which I have never heard of for another Suda game.

 Now you seem to want to discredit minigame collection as the same game in a different box. That is laughable. I can say Call of Duty 4 sales on the 360 doesn't count because it is Halo 3 in a different box. You may not like the genre, and you clearly know nothing about it but that does not mean it is an invalid genre. It means you are entirely ignorant on a topic you keep talking about. Go read, play, and learn about what you are attaempting to comment on so you can at least contribute something of substance rather than just spouting off what you feel should be right. Doing anything else is essentially making random comments that are in no way shape or form associated with reality, and are thus a waste of everyones time.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

funny, i do know some people who bought wii fit for the board.

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theprof00 said:
funny, i do know some people who bought wii fit for the board.

So they bought it for We Ski?


"You can never jump away from Conclusions. Getting back is not so easy. That's why we're so terribly crowded here."

Canby - The Phantom Tollbooth

shaun white for xmas lol!

I was like, I can't picture myself playing for more than an hour, but they were really excited about it. Of course they are big ssx tricky fans, as they should be, so maybe that is part of it.

Okay, wow. So this WASN'T a joke thread? I was going to type a rebuttal but didn't want to waste my breath when dirtyp took of his mask and revealed himself to be a rol sockpuppet.

But it's even more hilarious that it's a real thread. All of these mods strolling in, adding to the smackdown. It should be framed for all to see.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

I really can't think of anything new to say in terms of disproving the full OP, so I'll focus on Wii Play, which many people bring up in this thread as well as similar ones.

One of the arguments, that people don't buy Wii Play for the game, is obviously false. If someone really, really doesn't want to play Wii Play, he/she will not buy it unless he/she likes to waste money, which I'm quite sure is not true for the majority of customers. So the argument must be that after someone willfilly buys Wii Play, he/she immediately dislikes the game or eventually loses interest, and that such a group could very well be the majority of purchasers. 

I would like to ask, what happens to any game the player loses all interest in? It hits the second-hand market, unless the player just doesn't like to sell his/her games, a situation which applies to all games that player buys (and there's no known way or reason to seek out these strange people and figure out which games they dislike but will not sell). So guess what happens to Wii Play when a buyer doesn't like it? It hits the second-hand market!

So in other words, I don't see how the game is irrelevant to sales, unless it's because it costs only $10. But if we're arguing revenue/profit instead of sales, we shouldn't even be using raw sales numbers in the first place.

@ Gnizmo


The only one wasting your time is you.  No one is forcing you to read or post anything.


Just because you disagree with my point of view does not mean you are correct.  And just because I have a (totally valid and data-supported) criticism of the Wii's ability to spin off quality,  critically and commercially successful 3rd party hits does not mean I hate your precious system.  I have one, and I support it, and I personally have raised both attach rates for it.

Quit stalking my posts, if you please.  Agree to disagree and move on. 

I WANT the Wii to spin off some quality games that really do change gaming for the better.  Wii Play and Carnival Games ain't it.  The Wii has the opportunity to either expand gaming in creative, imaginative ways that are good for gaming; I'm hoping it's a platform that does it.  But until its users demand more than crappy ports and mini-game collections(however fun), it 's not going to happen.




Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?