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I really can't think of anything new to say in terms of disproving the full OP, so I'll focus on Wii Play, which many people bring up in this thread as well as similar ones.

One of the arguments, that people don't buy Wii Play for the game, is obviously false. If someone really, really doesn't want to play Wii Play, he/she will not buy it unless he/she likes to waste money, which I'm quite sure is not true for the majority of customers. So the argument must be that after someone willfilly buys Wii Play, he/she immediately dislikes the game or eventually loses interest, and that such a group could very well be the majority of purchasers. 

I would like to ask, what happens to any game the player loses all interest in? It hits the second-hand market, unless the player just doesn't like to sell his/her games, a situation which applies to all games that player buys (and there's no known way or reason to seek out these strange people and figure out which games they dislike but will not sell). So guess what happens to Wii Play when a buyer doesn't like it? It hits the second-hand market!

So in other words, I don't see how the game is irrelevant to sales, unless it's because it costs only $10. But if we're arguing revenue/profit instead of sales, we shouldn't even be using raw sales numbers in the first place.