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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will 2009 define the ps3's fortunes?

No, 2009 won't define the PS3's fortunes. The PS3's fortunes have been defined already.

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I think those games are excellent, and im looking forward to every single one of them and I will buy every single one of them. Theres still the thought in my mind that whilst they will be great for the current userbase, im not sure about the concept of system seller games anymore.

The multiplats are getting better and better so theres greater competition and many of the people who would jump to a console when a game comes out have already jumped. Apex games will sell consoles, So GT5 is one and FF is another and Halo is still another but FF has gone multi-plat was a big cost for them.

With regards to KZ2 I think it could be brilliant, but it needs to really be an Apex (Gears of War/Halo) sized release to really move the masses in the Playstations direction. There have already been 3 huge shooter releases this generation with two being exclusive to the 360 so much of this potential userbase has been moved and Sony doesn't want people who who have their attention more on another system. They need to make their losses back and people with multiple systems buy their games on their main system first.

God of War is too hardcore so most people who haven't got a PS3 that like the game will have one already or will get one this Christmas knowing its coming out early next year. Uncharted 2 is a sequel so I doubt it'll move consoles unless its brilliant compared to the previous version. Heavy Rain and Infamous are both new I.Ps but of the two the only one with a potential to really make it big is Infamous. Theres always potential for another big GTA type release and superheroes are in vogue right now.


You forgot White Knight Chronicles. I expect this game to shift some units.

2009 will be the definining game for the ps3

a good part of first second party games are comming many big ones that will set them apart the 360.

TheBigFatJ said:
No, 2009 won't define the PS3's fortunes. The PS3's fortunes have been defined already.


It's way too late for PS3 to rebound now. Against Xbox 360? Maybe - but who cares? PS3 will never come anywhere near Wii or the previous Playstations in terms of sales. That's been clear since Grand Theft Auto IV came out, if not even longer ago than that.

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Squilliam said:
I think those games are excellent, and im looking forward to every single one of them and I will buy every single one of them. Theres still the thought in my mind that whilst they will be great for the current userbase, im not sure about the concept of system seller games anymore.

The multiplats are getting better and better so theres greater competition and many of the people who would jump to a console when a game comes out have already jumped. Apex games will sell consoles, So GT5 is one and FF is another and Halo is still another but FF has gone multi-plat was a big cost for them.

With regards to KZ2 I think it could be brilliant, but it needs to really be an Apex (Gears of War/Halo) sized release to really move the masses in the Playstations direction. There have already been 3 huge shooter releases this generation with two being exclusive to the 360 so much of this potential userbase has been moved and Sony doesn't want people who who have their attention more on another system. They need to make their losses back and people with multiple systems buy their games on their main system first.

God of War is too hardcore so most people who haven't got a PS3 that like the game will have one already or will get one this Christmas knowing its coming out early next year. Uncharted 2 is a sequel so I doubt it'll move consoles unless its brilliant compared to the previous version. Heavy Rain and Infamous are both new I.Ps but of the two the only one with a potential to really make it big is Infamous. Theres always potential for another big GTA type release and superheroes are in vogue right now.

Another great piece of analysis by Squillaim!


Kilzone is only a few months away i cant wait!

The PS3's fortunes will be made this Christmas season. If it doesn't regain some momentum going into 2009 it may not get it back for some time if ever.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




I saw a list of games and knew what to say..........
None of these "games" have helped the system it still staggers and has low hardware and software sales. I doubt 09 will change any of that.

megaman2 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
I care about every game you've listed, except, as you all know, I hate God of War.

I cant believe this I demand an explanation



lol, ok.

I think the game is too "puzzly." The puzzles, especially the block ones, are generic. The story and characters are great, but the gameplay isn't. It's mediocre, for a hack and slash, imo. For one thing, the jumping looks awkward, and the boss battles are basically glorified real-time events. It takes an entirely different direction than DMC, and it sacrafices skill for showmanship and cinematics.

Besides the pointless generic block puzzles, and piss poor real time even "boss battles," and the gameplay in general, the game is great.

The presentation is top notch, graphics, music, VA, cinematics, all great. Watching someone else play is fun. However, the game itself is just boring to play. Kratos, brutality, and story are the main draws of this game, not the gameplay.

I believe that if you replaced Kratos with random hero number 4, and didn't let him speak, no-body would buy the game, and it would suck.

If you replaced Kratos with Dante, the game would stop being God of War and turn into the worst Devil May Cry game ever made.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.