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megaman2 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
I care about every game you've listed, except, as you all know, I hate God of War.

I cant believe this I demand an explanation



lol, ok.

I think the game is too "puzzly." The puzzles, especially the block ones, are generic. The story and characters are great, but the gameplay isn't. It's mediocre, for a hack and slash, imo. For one thing, the jumping looks awkward, and the boss battles are basically glorified real-time events. It takes an entirely different direction than DMC, and it sacrafices skill for showmanship and cinematics.

Besides the pointless generic block puzzles, and piss poor real time even "boss battles," and the gameplay in general, the game is great.

The presentation is top notch, graphics, music, VA, cinematics, all great. Watching someone else play is fun. However, the game itself is just boring to play. Kratos, brutality, and story are the main draws of this game, not the gameplay.

I believe that if you replaced Kratos with random hero number 4, and didn't let him speak, no-body would buy the game, and it would suck.

If you replaced Kratos with Dante, the game would stop being God of War and turn into the worst Devil May Cry game ever made.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.